Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

8 November, 2018

Welcome to our website

You will find everything where it was before - but we now have more information

In June 2018 the Home Secretary announced that Julia Mulligan, elected Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire, would take on the governance of North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service. Read the news story: Commissioner given go-ahead to take on oversight of North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service

The transfer of governance took place on Thursday 15 November 2018. Read the news story: Julia becomes North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner

Following this change in governance:

  • Julia Mulligan is the North Yorkshire Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner
  • The office is the Office of the North Yorkshire Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner

Consequently, we have updated our branding and some of our channels of engagement.

Office address

Our contact address remains the same:

Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire and York
Harrogate Police Station
Beckwith Head Rd

Telephone number

Our telephone number remains the same:

01423 569 562


Our email addresses are changing, these will change to:

For personal e-mail addresses, the format remains the same but the domain will change to the new suffix, (eg, [email protected])


Our website address has changed, and is now:


Social media

Our social media handles will change:

  • Twitter changes from @northyorkspcc to @northyorkspfcc
  • Facebook changes from @northyorkspcc to @northyorkspfcc
  • Instagram changes from @northyorkspcc to @northyorkspfcc


Our logo has changed

Click on the image to display in full size, then right click on the image and save or download image

When will you see the changes?

We will start the rebranding on Thursday 15 November, the day Julia Mulligan became the North Yorkshire Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner.

We expect the rebranding to take a couple of days, however the new e-mail addresses and website address should be working from Thursday 15 November.

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