Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

3 November, 2017

Youth Commission welcome new members

Youth Commission blog by Charlotte Frost

On Saturday 28 October, the North Yorkshire Youth Commission introduced new commission members to the project. We all had an amazing time meeting our new members, eating pizza and discussing our own personal development goals, which the Youth Commission is helping us do!

After our introductory session – which involved introducing each other to the group, we watched the film recently made by North Yorkshire Youth Commission to inspire us for our next task: scripting and creating scenes for our very own short films in accordance with our 6 priorities. The North Yorkshire Youth Commission will be filming, directing and acting in as many of the short films as we can, and we aim to get them onto as many social platforms as possible. This way, these short snappy films will help spread the word about the North Yorkshire Youth Commission and ultimately help young people understand that we are there to help their local communities improve!

(It also gives our commission members a chance to find their hidden theatrical side and enjoy 90 seconds of fame – I personally can’t wait!).

After we had planned and scripted our short films, we presented them to the group and everyone made comments regarding how great they all seemed. The Mental Health and Vulnerable Young People script was really powerful and I can’t wait to help produce this very important video. Everyone was so positive and gave constructive feedback on the initial ideas.

After a wonderful day with the NYYC members, I was so excited to talk to my friends and catch up with them all and tell them about what we had planned.  The Youth Commission project is such a fantastic project and we are all learning new skills and making fabulous progress with exams, careers, and other extra-curricular activities we do!

Thanks for reading, I will make sure to update you all soon!

North Yorkshire Youth Commission Member

Charlotte Frost

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