Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Our priorities

To deliver a joined up service for victims and witnesses, especially the vulnerable


  • Victims and witnesses are positively engaged in the CJS process and are able to recover from crime
  • Joined up end to end service supporting victims and witnesses


  • Develop and promote victims and witness centred practice to promote a cross agency culture that keeps victims and witnesses at the centre of decision making
  • Develop and monitor referral pathways for victims to ‘Cope and Recover’ services
  • Identify gaps and duplication of services to victims and witnesses across agencies to provide a less confusing landscape for service users
  • Target support for victims and witnesses to increase the confidence and effective participation in the CJS process, particularly the vulnerable and young people
  • Develop an effective communication and engagement strategy that promotes success to increase public confidence in the CJS
  • Agree key performance indicators and the sharing of data and intelligence to ensure continuous improvement of services
  • Commission services that meet the Local Criminal Justice Partnership priorities and ensure outcomes are visible and transparent
  • Engage the work force to ensure a common understanding so that services are joined up and streamlined to enhance the experience of the victims and witness journey
  • Collectively harness CJS agency tools to deliver a joined up service through video enabled justice e. g. Live Links
  • Strengthen the victims voice through the joined up promotion and use of ‘ Victim Personal Statements’ and Restorative Justice
  • Maximise accessibility to pre trial support mechanisms for vulnerable victims and witnesses, such as victims of domestic abuse

To improve the quality and speed of fair justice


  • The CJS partnership offers a right first time, value for money service, that victims and witnesses and local communities have confidence in
  • An integrated approach to National/Regional/Local initiatives that are tailored to meet local needs, reduce attrition in the CJS and ensure cases are dealt with proportionately and transparently
  • Seamless service delivery for all those coming into contact with the CJS


  • Integrated development and implementation of end to end digital services, including Digital First (DF)
  • Hold to account all agencies in their contribution to the delivery and sustainability of CJS improvement programmes, for example Transforming Summary Justice (TSJ) and Better Case Management (BCM), to drive performance improvements and identify risks to delivery
  • Tailor services for vulnerable victims, witnesses and offenders maximising the use of resource to improve access to justice for all
  • Understand cross agency limitations in respect of individual agencies change programmes, to support each other in preventing any disproportionate impacts on another agencies resources
  • Develop and Implement live links capability across agencies
  • Joint performance monitoring and sharing of inter-agency data ensuring high case file quality and other Criminal Justice System requirements including CPIA Disclosure, so standards are met which enable effective case progression through the Court process
  • Improve communication between CJS partners through consultation and transparency
  • Integrated problem solving approach and intervention to ensure cases proceed as expected
  • Develop the skills and knowledge of CJS staff through joint or inter agency training

Preventing and reducing re-offending


  • Integrated end to end system for rehabilitating offenders, reducing re-offending and preventing first time entrants into the CJS
  • Reduced first time and repeat victims and harm to communities


  • Identify underlying causes of offending and re-offending
  • Develop and improve understanding of the needs profile of vulnerable offenders including females
  • Develop an ambitious and innovative approach to improve through the gate services
  • Implement new approach to IOM including governance arrangements
  • Work in partnership to develop and implement effective pathways, supported by appropriate commissioned services such as , housing, drug and alcohol and mental health interventions
  • Support the implementation and monitor effective delivery of the NHS England commissioned Liaison and Diversion service
  • Work Locally, Regionally and Nationally to investigate commissioned prison places that allow for better and more joined up rehabilitation
  • Early Identification of women likely to offend, review and reform targeted interventions to reduce vulnerability by tackling underlying causes to reduce harmful impact on families
  • Work in partnership to develop behavioural change programmes such as restorative practice and victim awareness to highlight the impact an offender has had on the victim
  • Review the Youth Outcome Panel arrangements to ensure that the diversion of children and young people from entry to the criminal