10/2016: Expansion of Safety Camera Vehicles to improve road safety and keep rural communities safer – 22 March 2016
Executive Summary and Recommendation:
The Commissioner is asked to approve an expansion in the number of safety camera vehicles to be based and operate primarily in rural areas.
This will allow North Yorkshire Police to:
- Address concerns expressed by local communities, and particularly their desire for a more agile and responsive service
- Tackle cross-border and rural crime
- Increase the visibility of the police in the community, which will act as a deterrent
- Bring North Yorkshire’s road safety equipment provision into line with other similar Forces
Road safety is consistently a key area of concern for North Yorkshire communities. In a survey undertaken for the Police and Crime Commissioner, 78 percent of respondents were concerned about road safety and 72 percent of respondents agreed that more needed to be done to improve road safety through education and enforcement. More than half the respondents believed that North Yorkshire Police should have more safety camera vans.
The number of fatalities on North Yorkshire’s roads has reduced by around a third since 2011 (when safety camera vans were first piloted in the region), whilst the number of serious injuries has reduced by more than 20 percent. Whilst as yet there is no academic research to attribute these reductions solely to the introduction of safety camera vehicles, there is a strong likelihood that they have made a significant contribution.
More equipment will enable the police to increase operational capacity, build on the positive contribution that safety camera vehicles have delivered so far, and support the Force’s priorities of safer roads and rural policing more effectively.
To this end, it is proposed that six new vehicles be added to the safety camera vehicle fleet, taking it to 12 vehicles in total. The six new vehicles will be smaller than the current vans, which makes them especially suitable for deployment in rural locations. At present, the existing fleet cannot be used on many country roads, because they require a certain amount of hard-standing to be stationed safely. This is less of a requirement on the new smaller vehicles, so they can be used in a wider range of locations, including on roads that are currently “out of bounds” for the existing camera safety fleet. As a result, more communities than before will be able to benefit from the positive impact that camera safety vehicles provide.
The new vehicles will carry automatic number plate recognition technology, so they can be used to tackle wider issues of anti-social road use, and cross-border criminality, which is a significant issue in many rural communities. Having a larger fleet will also raise police visibility (which can be a deterrent to criminals), provide community reassurance, and allow the police to increase the number of hours on operational duty.
The bases for the new camera safety vehicles are yet to be finalized, but will be planned in a way that delivers the maximum number of active policing hours, so that the communities that most require this kind of support (which may be in the most rural parts of the county) are able to benefit as much as possible. As part of the overall deployment of the fleet, North Yorkshire Police will also boost its public awareness activity through a range of appropriate means, including signage and publicity about future deployment locations.
There is a cost to acquiring and running the new vehicles, and putting in place the “back office” infrastructure that is required to support deployment. However, our financial assessment shows that the operation of the vehicles will allow us to off-set the cost of the additional set-up and equipment. In other words, we will be able to make North Yorkshire’s roads safer, and support rural policing initiatives, without requiring more resources from the overall policing budget.
In support of the above, a decision to approve the expansion of the current safety camera operation, by six vehicles, which will also be equipped with ANPR, and supporting operational infrastructure is requested.
Police and Crime Commissioner decision: Approved
Date: 22 March 2016
Title: Police and Crime Commissioner
1. Introduction and Background
This paper proposes the expansion of the current safety camera operation and changes to the Central Traffic Bureau in support of the ‘Policing the Roads Strategy 2015-2020’ (Appendix A), which sets the ongoing direction for North Yorkshire Police’s focused activity up to 2020, and has the following overarching vision:
‘To provide an efficient and effective policing response to all road users and communities within North Yorkshire’
The investment outlined in this decision notice will provide an enhanced ability to tackle rural crime and the impacts this has on rural communities in North Yorkshire. There will be a greater opportunity to:
- provide an increased visible policing deterrent in rural areas
- Increase the ability to gather information and intelligence, across a wider geographical area being responsive to local needs.
- Improve public confidence and awareness that North Yorkshire Police are protecting our borders and rural communities from harm.
Following the full implementation of the Central Traffic Bureau in June 2015, there has been an incremental year on year reduction, since pilot operations began in 2011, in the number of road traffic incidents resulting in fatalities or serious injuries on North Yorkshire’s roads. It is proposed that the resilience and effectiveness of our current safety camera enforcement capability can be strengthened further to build on successes to date, through investment in an additional six safety camera vehicles, specifically designed to maximise deployment across North Yorkshire’s unique roads.
This will mean that North Yorkshire Police’s safety camera operation is better equipped to help meet demand on a more comparable level to similar police forces, and will ensure wider geographical cover bringing a greater consistency and a responsive county wide approach to road safety, rural crime and community needs.
This expansion will also help maximise the investment in Automated Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) technology by equipping an expanded safety camera vehicle fleet with the specialist equipment required to provide North Yorkshire Police with greater intelligence and opportunities to disrupt and intercept those criminals using North Yorkshire’s road network to commit crime on local communities.
The public of North Yorkshire have consistently informed the Police and Crime Commissioner and the police, through a variety of mediums, that rural crime, road safety and anti-social behaviour on their roads, including speeding, is a continuing concern for them. Importantly, the public seem to support the requirement for responsive and proactive policing in this area.
Community Feedback
The public have informed North Yorkshire Police through extensive research, engagement and consultation as part of the priority setting for the current Police and Crime Plan, they are concerned about road safety and rural crime in their local areas, and that they should be a priority for their police force.
Recent surveys and feedback from the community through various means, including live web chats, engagement at a local level from both the Commissioner and the police, as well as thematic road safety and rural crime surveys have all demonstrated strong ongoing support for focused resource and increased capability in relation to policing the roads and tackling rural crime.
One such roads related survey demonstrated that 78% of those who responded indicated they had concerns around road safety in their areas, with the highest level of concern seen in the more rural areas. Respondents indicated that addressing speeding and anti-social use of the road network should be a priority focus in improving road safety. The top concern highlighted was tackling speed related collisions, followed by anti-social use of the road network i.e. mobile phones and thirdly speeding in local communities. 72% of respondents confirmed that they preferred increased enforcement and education as methods of improving road safety. This included support, from over half of respondents, to increase in numbers of safety camera vehicles coupled with a varied approach to enforcement activity.
Responsibility to Communities – Taking action
The roads in North Yorkshire are among some of the most challenging in the country and cover a significant geographic area, including 6000 miles of road network. As a result roads policing forms a vital part of North Yorkshire Polices’ activity with effective policing pivotal in ensuring the safety and public confidence of both roads users and communities.
The ‘Policing the Roads Strategy 2015 – 2020’ has been developed. This is led by Deputy Chief Constable Tim Madgwick QPM and NPCC Motorcycling Lead, and sets the ongoing strategic intent and direction for North Yorkshire Police’s focused activity up to 2020, in order to provide an efficient and effective policing response to all road users and communities within North Yorkshire.
This strategy can be seen at ‘Appendix A’.
As part of its response to community concerns around road safety, North Yorkshire Police currently deploy mobile safety camera vehicles to a number of ’Killed and Seriously Injured’ (KSI) sites, ‘Community Concern’ sites and ‘Identifiable Motorcycle’ routes. This mobile safety camera operation provides key enforcement and education activity to influence the driving behaviour of motorists in order to reduce the number of road related casualties across North Yorkshire’s roads. This can include reducing driving speed, raising awareness of distractions and hazards and prevention of anti-social use of the roads.
The KSI sites are identified using Department of Transport criteria in assessing locations of collisions which result in fatal or serious injury. The Community Concern sites are those sites directly highlighted by our communities, and subsequently verified via a Speed Management Protocol ‘Appendix B’, as having a speed issue. The Identifiable Motorcycle routes are those identified through local community intelligence. Sites are reviewed regularly to ensure they still meet the appropriate criteria for continued mobile safety camera deployment.
The number of current sites across North Yorkshire is as follows:
- KSI – 16
- Community Concern – 110 (a further 80 progressing through the Speed Management Protocol)
- Identifiable Motorcycle – 39
Community Engagement
North Yorkshire Police work closely with partners on a wide range of road related issues, including the ‘95 Alive Road Safety Partnership’, a multi-agency partnership whose strategic board is chaired by DCC Tim Madgwick QPM. This Partnership has a collective decision making role around a ‘Speed Management Protocol’ (SMP), for North Yorkshire. North Yorkshire Police’s Central Traffic Bureau co-ordinate and manage the SMP. See Appendix B for more information.
A recent reinvigoration and re-launch of a more streamlined, accessible and visible SMP, in November 2015, has seen a marked increase in the communities of North Yorkshire engaging with North Yorkshire Police through its Central Traffic Bureau. This has led to more rural locations being assessed as suitable sites for enforcement activity, working with Neighbourhood Policing Teams, including safety camera deployment.
This increased community engagement is welcome and has ensured North Yorkshire Police are continuously up to date and better informed around road safety concerns in local communities. It has in turn increased the demand for a flexible and consistent response to community concerns through deployment of enforcement and education activity, meaning that there is a need to increase the current safety camera capability to meet that demand and increase the availability to rural areas.
Community Impact – Casualty reduction through safety camera enforcement and education
Since the implementation of the safety camera enforcement operation in North Yorkshire Police, which originally piloted in 2011, followed by the subsequent and more recent formation of the Central Traffic Bureau, North Yorkshire Police has seen a steady decline in the number of road collisions, across some of its most challenging locations that have resulted in serious injury or death. Whilst academic research has yet to be confirmed relative to safety camera deployment by North Yorkshire Police, there is a strong likelihood that the implementation of this safety camera capability will have contributed to these reductions.
In November 2010 the Royal Automobile Club (RAC) Foundation published national findings of research carried out by Professor Richard Allsop in relation to the effectiveness of speed cameras. This research demonstrated that deployment of speed (safety) cameras leads to appreciable reductions in speed in the vicinity of cameras along with substantial reductions in collisions and casualties. In addition national surveys indicate clear and sustained falls in the average speed of cars on 30mph roads which are likely to have contributed to reductions in collisions and casualties on built up roads. The research also identified that increases in speed have been recorded at locations where camera enforcement has ceased, again evidencing that speed (safety) camera deployment does have positive impacts on driver behaviour and attitude to speed at such locations.
Further local academic data analysis is planned, specifically around North Yorkshire Police’s deployment of its mobile safety cameras, working in partnership with 95 Alive Road Safety Partnership and Newcastle University. This analysis will also include collision and casualty data trends and the effectiveness of any treatments to sites where they have occurred. Such treatments may include for example deployment of safety cameras or road engineering works to improve road layouts. Through early planning discussions it is anticipated that this analysis will not only provide a richer picture to inform how successful operations or treatments have already been, it will also provide predictive analysis to inform future intelligence led policing and partnership work. This will provide a good evidence base for effective future resource allocation designed to provide the greatest impact on policing the roads of North Yorkshire.
The table below details how the KSI casualties recorded on North Yorkshire’s roads since 2010 have been on a downward trend.
Table showing Killed and Seriously Injured (KSI) Collisions and associated casualties from 2010 to 2015 (2015 data provisional at this stage) | ||||||
Casualties | ||||||
Total KSI Collisions | Total Casualties | Fatal | Seriously Injured | |||
2010 | 478 | 785 | 50 | 503 | ||
2011 | 442 | 694 | 49 | 465 | ||
2012 | 445 | 696 | 35 | 489 | ||
2013 | 448 | 688 | 51 | 483 | ||
2014 | 429 | 688 | 45 | 461 | ||
2015 | 371 | 594 | 33 | 401 |
North Yorkshire Police’s Traffic Bureau Operation has additionally recently been recognised for its work with partners and contributions to road safety, through the Prince Michael of Kent International Road Safety Awards, which is a prestigious endorsement of its successful operations.
Community Safety – Safety camera capability
North Yorkshire Police intend, through this proposal, to build on the success to date of the current safety camera operation and its contributions to the reductions in casualties on North Yorkshire’s roads. This strengthening, through further investment, will start to bring its current safety camera capability to a level commensurate with its most similar family of forces.
The current safety camera capability in North Yorkshire is considerably under strength when compared with its most similar family of Forces, and in relation to serving its extensive rural road network and road safety concerns. This is further impacted through the increased demand resulting from the improved SMP and subsequent community engagement activity which has highlighted the fact that enhanced access to rural areas is required.
‘Appendix C’ provides a comparison of safety camera enforcement operations for North Yorkshire compared with its peer Force areas, which have similar road network challenges. Lincolnshire, for example, is 2/3 of the geographical size of North Yorkshire but has a similar road network; however they have 5 mobile safety camera solutions, 53 fixed camera sites and 2 average speed camera systems when compared with North Yorkshire’s 6 mobile safety camera vehicles.
Increasing the resilience and proactivity of North Yorkshire’s safety camera provision, through expansion by another 6 proposed vehicles, will bring the safety camera fleet to 12. This will help North Yorkshire Police to better meet demand, particularly for its rural communities, on a more consistent and even platform, importantly providing the ability to be more responsive to local needs across North Yorkshire’s extensive geographical area.
Community Needs – Crime prevention and early intervention
Safety camera operations in North Yorkshire are limited in terms of the ability to site mobile safety camera deterrent at a large number of local community concern sites, many of which are in more rural areas. This is primarily due to the topography of North Yorkshires roads and the size of the current safety camera vehicles which, whilst providing a number of specific technological advantages, are designed mainly to target and address the road safety problems on more major road networks which tend to be less rural in nature. It is intended that this proposal includes the procurement of vehicles that have the versatility to meet the demands of more rural road networks across North Yorkshire, especially those where communities are blighted by anti-social use of the roads and rural crime. A fleet of mixed safety camera capability provides additional flexibility allowing for a maximised mobile safety camera deployment to those areas that require it most.
This additionality will also provide the ability for a wider geographical spread of vehicles and improve deployments through increased time available on the road to capture violations and reduce overall running costs of the operation. This will be facilitated through direct deployment from a number of rural locations across the county and will also provide a visible policing presence and deterrent in those communities who have informed North Yorkshire Police they would welcome such presence.
An expanded fleet of safety camera vehicles will help to provide additional reassurance to rural communities through additional further investment that will strengthen North Yorkshire Police’s ‘Automated Number Plate Recognition’ (ANPR) technology. It is proposed that this will be achieved through equipping the additional safety camera vehicles with ANPR cameras. This will provide increased intelligence for the purpose of improving road safety, but also keeping people safe more generally, as a powerful tool to help North Yorkshire Police disrupt those criminals who use road networks in the county to commit crime on North Yorkshire’s communities. The increased deployment of ANPR cameras across rural communities will help to further protect borders and detect criminal activity in more remote areas to assist in reducing rural crime.
Community Outcomes
The public of North Yorkshire have informed their Police service that the areas of road safety and rural crime are concerns for them and feel they should feature as priorities for local policing.
An evolving approach to building capabilities, such as enforcement and education, in order to reduce road casualties, collisions and increase pressure on criminals who use North Yorkshire’s road network to harm local communities is a priority for North Yorkshire Police.
To do this, continuous community engagement and innovation is required to inform direction and investment of resource to strengthen roads policing and rural crime activities, such as, but not limited to, safety camera enforcement, academic research and automated number plate recognition technology. Such investments will secure and direct continued education, partnership opportunities, early intervention and disruption and will also provide the opportunity to enhance support to victims.
The activity and operations of North Yorkshire Police’s safety camera provision, through its Central Traffic Bureau, provides the infrastructure to make a real difference to road safety and rural crime across North Yorkshire. This activity is supported through national academic study and evidence base, and is having positive and progressive results so far in North Yorkshire and is supportive of its year on year casualty reduction outcomes.
The investment in six additional mobile safety camera vehicles and operating infrastructure will build upon current successes and reduce the number of victims. The people of rural North Yorkshire will feel safer in the knowledge that there is an increased visible policing deterrent at the heart of their rural communities as a result of enhanced intelligence led joined up priorities. Forming part of a wider set of important and focused activities, linked to the ‘Policing the Roads Strategy 2015 – 2020’, it strengthens North Yorkshire Police’s responsiveness and visibility to provide increased confidence that keeping its communities safe across North Yorkshire’s extensive and challenging road network and its rural communities is a priority.
2. Contribution to Police and Crime Plan Priorities
The public have informed North Yorkshire Police through extensive research and consultation as part of the priority setting for the current Police and Crime Plan that a significant percentage of the public are concerned about road safety and rural crime in their local areas and that this is a priority for them.
The Policing the Roads Strategy 2015-2020 informs key activities and investment for 2016/17 and provides a platform of increased capability that facilitates responsive services to reduce harm through improved road safety and maximise the disruption of criminal activity on our road network. This includes providing services that are affordable and sustainable through reinvestment in targeted activity that empowers our communities, reduces demand, and ensures we are fit for the future as innovation and technology are embraced to prioritise frontline local policing within the community.
Police and Crime Plan Priorities:
- Priority One – Protecting vulnerable people – intelligence led policing through increased ANPR capability and visible policing deterrent in rural communities
- Priority Two – Cut crime and anti-social behaviour –protecting rural communities and disrupting and dismantling organised criminality and cross border criminals, increased ability to respond to feedback from the community received via the Speed Management Protocol – to reduce anti-social behaviour on our roads in local communities
- Priority Three – Prevention and early intervention –better ability to intercept and disrupt criminality through greater availability of information and intelligence, increased opportunities for influencing driving behaviour through increased education and diversion. Provides visible policing deterrent to discourage rural crime and anti-social use of the roads
- Priority Four – improve victim care – fewer victims and casualty reduction through improved road safety and reduced driving speeds through wider enforcement and education opportunities. Provides increased opportunities to invest in provision to support families of those who have been killed or seriously injured as a result of road traffic related collisions
- Priority Five – Transforming the organisation – demand reduction through fewer road traffic related incidents thus allowing maximisation of resource for increased productivity on other policing priorities to keep rural communities safe
- Priority Six – People first – self-sufficient and funded operating infrastructure ensures services are sustainable and affordable to facilitate investment in evidenced solutions to meet public priorities and needs in relation to road safety and rural crime. Increases public confidence in the ability of policing services
- Priority Seven – Partnerships and Commissioning – supports greater opportunity for development of joint strategies with partners such as 95 Alive Road Safety Partnership, Highways England, rural and urban communities – through community speed watch for example. Provides the increased ability to invest in road safety through appropriately commissioned services to meet the needs of communities
3. Implementation and Resourcing Implications
The capital investment and ongoing revenue in respect of operating and staffing costs needed to meet the requirements of the proposal will be self-funding, effectively through the direct investment of levies returned as a result of the operation such as money generated by levies recovered from a driver or rider’s attendance and completion of a driver educational course.
The financial implications in respect of the growth of the safety camera provision detailed in this decision notice is outlined in the table below. This demonstrates full year costs for year one and two and assumes current operating cost recovery.
Table shows: Finances for a 6 vehicle expansion, including; expenditure and investment required for infrastructure revenue and capital costs, off set against projected levies, and funds able to be released back to North Yorkshire Police following cost recovery for further investment in road safety in line with the Policing the Roads Strategy 2015-2020.
FTE | Scale | Year 1 | Year 2 | |
Team Leaders | 2 | Sc 5 | £55,874 | £55,874 |
Traffic Bureau Officers / Prosecution Team Officers | 11 | Sc 2/4 | £243,925 | £243,925 |
Decision Maker and Court Presentation Officers | 3 | Sc 5/6 | £86,352 | £86,352 |
Safety Camera Officers | 18 | Sc 4 | £571,356 | £571,356 |
Safety Camera Evidential Court Officers | 2.5 | Sc 4 | £62,143 | £62,143 |
TOTAL STAFF COSTS | £1,019,650 | £1,019,650 | ||
Processing fee (i.e.postage, document management system) | £518,400 | £518,400 | ||
Fuel & Vehicle Maintenance (projected for six vehicles) | £21,000 | £21,000 | ||
Remote Working Solution (enables evidential transfer to central processing unit) | £17,160 | £17,160 | ||
Camera lease for six vehicles | £75,000 | £75,000 | ||
Sundry Costs (ie Uniform, Overtime) | £6,000 | £6,000 | ||
TOTAL SUPPLIES AND SERVICES | £637,560 | £637,560 | ||
Six Safety Camera vehicles (includes purchase and fitting out) | £174,000 | |||
Estate works (i.e. external electrical works – rural police stations | £6,000 | |||
IT equipment (office) | £18,000 | |||
IT server (retention of additional images) | £70,000 | |||
TOTAL CAPITAL | £268,000 | £0 | ||
TOTAL EXPENDITURE | £1,925,210 | £1,657,210 | ||
TOTAL INCOME | £2,316,414 | £2,316,414 | ||
Funding released back to NYP for reinvestment to help improve road safety in line with the Policing the Roads Strategy 2015-2020. | £391,205 | £659,205 |
A number of the costs above are based upon verbal estimations in consultation with appropriate enabling services. These costs will, therefore, require confirmation through usual procurement routes. There may be some variation however it is anticipated they will be small.In addition to the costs detailed in the table above there will be expenditure to fit the vehicles with ANPR technology at a cost of £12,250 per unit, total cost for the 6 vehicle expansion is £73,500, should this be approved. ANPR deployment will be subject to the appropriate public impact assessment to ensure there is minimal collateral intrusion to public privacy.
There will be wider costs as a result of enabling departments supporting the implementation phase of the proposal. These have not been costed at this stage, but will include:
- Recruitment of 36.5 FTE staff
- Creation of new role profile and grading: Safety Camera Evidential Court Officer. This will be necessary to support increased volumes of court enforcement outcomes and enquiries across the expanded 12 vehicle operation
- Training – adjustments to costed training plan
- Vehicle and equipment procurement exercises
- ICT fitting costs
- Estates electrical fitting costs
The majority of the additional staff will be located with the current Central Traffic Bureau and Prosecution Teams based at Athena House in York. Athena House is currently undergoing an extensive refit in line with North Yorkshire Police’s estates strategy enabling the staff to be located within current operations. A number of the Safety Camera Officers will be located and deployed from separate locations, from rural police station across North Yorkshire, in line with the strategic aims detailed above. Space for lockers and the ability to log on and use ICT equipment for these staff will therefore be required; however their role will be largely agile as they will be deployed in the safety camera vehicles for the majority of their shift
As this is a growth proposal there will be no staff implications in terms of reduced roles. There may be some contract considerations for the existing Safety Camera Officer’s in terms of location due to the requirement to deploy directly from rural locations. It is anticipated however this can be largely mitigated through the recruitment of new roles.
A full implementation plan will be formulated, subject to approval and confirmation of supporting resource availability. At this time, based on experience, it is estimated that a realistic time frame for full deployment of 6 newly fitted and equipped safety camera vehicles and recruitment and training of staff would be 8 months from start to finish. This relies on enabling services being able to support implementation and is broken down in the table below. Any implementation would be supported by a detailed communications and engagement strategy.
Proposed Implementation timetable
4. Consultations Carried Out
The below table should include who has been consulted and their feedback. Not all departments will need to be consulted with on every proposal, however, they should all be considered:
Name (Collar Number) | Department | Comments |
Joanna Carter / Will Naylor | Office of the PCC | |
Jane Palmer / Samantha Craggs | Financial Services | |
Yvonne Taylor | Local Policing | |
Andy Tooke / Dave Brown | Supporting Local Policing | |
Rosie Holmes | Human Resources | |
Louise Wood | Corporate Communications | |
Richard Flint / Yvonne Chilvers | Property and Facilities | |
Richard Flint / Sudeep Chatterjee | Information and Communications Technology | |
Richard Flint / Bob Brigginshaw | Transport | |
Supt Richard Anderson | Partnership Hub | |
Maria Earles | Organisation and Development | |
Peter Harrison | ANPR |
5. Compliance Checks
Financial Implications/Value for money:
Chief Constables Chief Finance Officers Comments:
I am satisfied that relevant departments have been consulted and that sufficient expenditure budget has been requested in total for the costs that have been included. A certain amount of additional analysis information will need to be provided to me so that I can include the figures into the budget (should the DN be approved).
However, Section 3 refers to wider costs in enabling departments that have not been included in the costings provided. Should the DN be approved, these will need to be evaluated and funding identified before the DN can be implemented.
The income predictions are based on assumptions that the numbers of violations and conversion rates to courses will be similar to the levels currently being achieved from the existing Safety Camera Van fleet. This is a prudent estimate based on the best available evidence to date. However, I understand that the team believes that the actual level of income is likely to be higher.
Affordability Programme:
The estimated funding released back for further investment is broadly in line with the estimates included in the Affordability Programme for 2017/18 onwards. The timetable in Section 3 suggests that it will be late in 2016/17 before the full service is implemented, and analysis will be required to identify the 2016/17 impact before the DN is implemented into the 2016/17 budget. Never the less, it is clear that the estimated additional investment funds identified in the Affordability programme for 2016/17 will not be achieved in full.
PCC Chief Finance Officers Comments:
The Commissioner is being asked to invest £1,657k on a recurring basis into Road Safety, with a further investment of £268k into the vehicles and equipment to enable the work to be delivered. These investment costs will then need to be factored into replacement programmes going forward to be able to maintain this investment.
The area of Road Safety is clearly of significant importance to the people of North Yorkshire as evidenced within both the Police and Crime Panel and wider public feedback. It is important to be aware however that this investment is currently only affordable based on the expectation, that through the work of the people within the expanded Road Safety team, that more people will be caught committing road safety violations and that as a result these people will attend training courses to prevent this type of behaviour in the future. These training courses will be paid for by the people attending and a proportion of this course fee will be returned to North Yorkshire Police to support the costs incurred in delivering road safety initiatives.
Based on the estimated violations the costs of this investment would be covered through the income received and as such this is a good proposal for the Commissioner to consider, however this will need to be kept under review to ensure that this investment in sustainable.
Legal Implications:
Having read this report and having considered such information as has been provided at the time of being asked to express this view, the Acting Force Solicitor and Head of Legal Services is satisfied that this report does not ask the PCC for North Yorkshire to make a decision which would (or would be likely to) give rise to a contravention of the law.
Human Resources Implications:
The content and context of this proposal are noted including the requirement to recruit and training circ 36.5 new members of staff into the organisation to support this road safety activity. Whilst indicative timeframes and base costings for salary have been provided, following approval of this decision notice tentative planning these costs including recruitment and training can be better understood and work will commence with the business leads to ensure a successful campaign is implemented to provide the right resources for the expansion of this team.
Public Access to information
As a general principle, the Commissioner expects to be able to publish all decisions taken and all matters taken into account when reaching the decision. This Notice will detail all information which the Commissioner will disclose into the public domain. The decision and information will be made available on the Commissioner’s website.
Only where material is properly classified as Restricted under the Government Protective Marking Scheme or if that material falls within the description at 2(2) of The Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) Order 2011 will the Commissioner not disclose decisions and/or information provided to enable that decision to be made. In these instances, Part 2 will be used to detail those matters considered to be restricted. Information in Part 2 will not be published.
All decisions taken by the Commissioner will be subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).
Part 2
Is there a Part 2 to this Notice – NO
Author(s) : Leanne McConnell, Head of Criminal Justice
Head of Department: Leanne McConnell, Head of Criminal Justice
Executive Group Sponsor(s) : Deputy Chief Constable Tim Madgwick QPM
Date created: 7/02/16
Background documents:
‘Appendix A’ Policing the Roads Strategy 2015-2020
‘Appendix B’ Speed Management Protocol
‘Appendix C’ Map of peer forces safety camera operations
I confirm that all the above advice has been sought and received against this and any associated Part 2 information and I am satisfied that this is an appropriate request to be submitted for a decision
Signature: Leanne McConnell
Date: 7 February 2016
- 10-2016 – Expansion of Safety Camera Vehicles to improve road safety and keep rural communities safer
- Saving lives, preventing injury. The use of safety camera vans in North Yorkshire 2014-15
- Press release: Rural policing further boosted with increase in Safety Camera Vehicles
- Published on