Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Research – victim needs assessment

This research was undertaken to identify victim's needs, as part of the development of the new specialist support services for victims in North Yorkshire, Supporting Victims.

The assessment drew upon victims views of current victim support services, it evaluated existing services and identified wider good practice; it highlighted gaps and improvements that could be made.

It undertook an analysis of the potential demand for these services based on crime type and victim need.

The Victim Needs Assessment has been used to commission new specialist support services for victims and has influenced the design of wider support services for the future.

Background documents

The Police and Crime Commissioner is inviting companies to submit a quote to supply the following services in relation to victim referral and support services in York and North Yorkshire:

  • A needs and demand assessment;
  • An evaluation of existing services and wider good practice; and
  • A gap analysis.

Documentation outlining the bidding process are: