Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

19 April, 2023

How does my Police Fire and Crime Commissioner serve me?

Online Public Meeting
Commissioner Zoë details the ways she represents the public when challenging Police and Fire Chiefs.

Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Zoë Metcalfe has published information explaining the extensive ways she monitors, evaluates and challenges North Yorkshire Police and North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue service in the areas that matter most to the public.

Ultimately, Commissioner Zoë’s role is to be responsible for overseeing the police and fire and rescue services in North Yorkshire to ensure that they are efficient, effective, and responsive to community needs.

There are multiple forums undertaken by Commissioner Zoë and her senior leadership team within the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, which all amount to keeping the public safe and feeling safe.

Regular online public meetings

These are an opportunity for the Commissioner to publicly scrutinise police and fire services on topics of policing and crime that the public want to know more about, whilst directly asking chiefs questions sent in by members of the public. To find out more and submit questions please visit:

Monthly Executive Board

Formal governance meeting between the Commissioner, Chief Constable/Chief Fire Officer to ensure proper governance of the services. This takes place through constructive debate of their respective statutory duties and the efficiency and effectiveness of their delivery against the Police and Crime Plan and Fire and Rescue Plan.

Chief catchups

Closed informal briefings which enable discussion on a weekly basis. This is an opportunity for the Commissioner to discuss elements of the Police and Crime Plan delivery, and the Fire and Rescue Plan delivery based on weekly themes and receive updates on current issues and operational matters.

Independent audit committee

Provides independent scrutiny and advice to the North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Fire who is also the Fire and Rescue Authority.

Joint independent audit committee

Provides independent scrutiny and jointly advises the Commissioner Zoë and the Chief Constable.

Scrutiny panels

Allow members of the public to hold North Yorkshire Police to account via review of incidents, policing powers and tactics across a range of policing areas. Panel observations, feedback and recommendations facilitate continuous learning, improvement of police services and identification of best practice.

Community Review Group

Assess and provide feedback on areas which the scrutiny panels review. This includes, identifying good practice and areas for learning, making referrals and recommendations.

Independent Ethics advisory board

The Panel will provide independent and effective challenge and assurance around integrity, standards and ethics of decision-making in policing and fire.

Independent custody visitors

Members of the local community who visit police stations unannounced to check on the welfare of people in police custody and report back to the Commissioner.

Violence against women and girls’ strategic governance board

Chaired by the Commissioner to monitor overall progress against the joint violence against women and girls strategic objectives.

Other frequent interactions

Between police and fire services, the Commissioner, the Commissioner’s office and senior leadership teams to discuss updates in significant issues, critical incidents and site visits.

Bespoke briefings

On significant or sensitive issues when required from external or internal services, public bodies or inspectorates such as HMICFRS.

Community engagement

Alongside this calendar of delivery and assurance, Commissioner Zoë also regularly engages with communities, businesses and stakeholders to understand their needs which enables her to accurately represent them whilst overseeing police and fire services.

Commissioner Zoë said:

“To ensure that both North Yorkshire Police and North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service make a positive difference to the public every day, it is important that I continually monitor, challenge and assess delivery of outcomes against the priorities set out in my Police and Crime Plan, and the Fire and Rescue Plan.

“As Commissioner my role is clear, to intensify scrutiny activity, challenge the areas that need improving and continue to be the advocate for communities who want their voices heard. I hope that by publishing this Assurance Framework it helps the public to have a clearer understanding of how this works on a regular basis.

“As well as regular online public meetings for which members of the public can send in questions, my monthly virtual Advice Surgeries are a great opportunity for you to discuss any matters you think should be brought to my attention relating to policing or the fire service in your community. To request a 1-1 appointment or for any information on advice surgeries please visit my website:

“I also encourage the public to complete the surveys on my website that will help to influence my work, to promote change, ensure accountability and spread best practice and high standards of Police and Fires services. Please complete them here:

To read the Assurance Framework in full please visit Commissioner Zoë’s website: