Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

001/2014: Approval of Information Technology investment – 16 June 2014

Executive Summary and recommendation:

This decision notice seeks approval to the investment identified in the Information Technology Strategy Business Case (circa. £10m) and progression of the initiatives identified to support the delivery of operational policing.  This is identified as a significant positive strategy in delivering a responsive service. 

Investment in Information Technology is a key enabler identified in the Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan.  This Business Case sets out the strategic information technology projects that have been identified as being required to support North Yorkshire Police in delivering services to the communities of North Yorkshire and the City of York.

It seeks approval to the identified projects, which have been classed as priority investments.  These are classed as priority as a result of both operational assessment and technical review.  Approval is sought to the inclusion of the estimated funding associated with the delivery of each project in the Medium Term Financial Plan.

The Information Technology Strategy Business Case proposes that each identified project is subject in due course to a full Business Case to clearly identify user requirements, and ensure that the final specifications are robust.

It is recognised that this investment is critical and each proposed solution needs to be able to effectively support the organisational outcomes identified in the Police and Crime Plan and the Operational Policing Model.

By introducing the new technologies set out in this Business Case North Yorkshire Police will be able to deliver enhanced customer services through:

  • Improved and extended access channels, providing the public, communities and victims with the ability to transact with NYP via on line services
  • Enable mobile working for our officers, allowing them to spend more time working out in our communities, reducing bureaucracy and improving officer visibility
  • Prevention and detection of crime through the use of Automatic Number Plate Recognition technology; protecting our communities and reducing harm.

Approval is now requested to progress the following initiatives:

  • A replacement telephony project that will provide the force with the platform to roll out mobile working, and new technologies that will allow us to provide enhanced customer engagement
  • A system that will allow us to more efficiently manage the deployment/use of force assets, which will include the ability to provide real time information on asset locations in relation to demand/incidents
  • Enhanced Automatic Number Plate Recognition provision refresh
  • Mobile working
  • Body Worn Cameras
  • On line service delivery initiatives
  • Electronic Document Management Records System.

The detail and rationale is contained within the Information Technology Strategy Business Case, however, this is not a stand alone strategy.  It is a component part of the infrastructure required to support the delivery of policing services.  Its context is as a part of the Operational Policing Model (OPM), Estates Strategy and the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Commissioning Strategy.  The overall  position of this is as an enabler to the Police and Crime Plan.  It is recommended to approve the progression of the above initiatives over a 3-year period.  It  is recommended that each project is subject to a full Business Case, and that the estimated funding in the Medium Term Financial Plan is allocated based on the high level estimates contained within the Strategy Business Case.

This decision notice provides a comprehensive and transparent documentation set that seeks to publish as much information as feasible to inform the public of these proposals: –

Appendix A – IT Strategy Model

Appendix B – Aims and outcomes of delivery of the IT Strategy

Appendix C – Assessment of how delivery of the IT Strategy will support the outcomes of the Delivery Board work streams and the Police and Crime Plan

Appendix D – Restricted – Activities and estimated costs to progress to a stable technical infrastructure

Appendix E – Restricted – Financial Summary of capital requirement for IT Strategy delivery

Appendix F – Telephone (Unified Communications) Business Case

Appendix G – Timeline for delivery

Appendix H – Summary of investment in information technology and technical infrastructure

The only documentation restricted are items of commercial sensitivity the proposals.

Police and Crime Commissioner decision:  Approved



Date:  16 June 2014

Title: Police and Crime Commissioner

Part 1 – Unrestricted facts and advice to the PCC

1.  Introduction and background

North Yorkshire Police Authority approved its ICT Strategy in early 2012, and that document articulated a vision for the service and strategic links into both the NPIA and Government ICT Strategy, aligned to the organisation’s 5 strategic goals and the regional collaboration agenda.

The IT Strategy articulated a number of strategic goals and priorities, but to date limited progress had been made on planning or implementing any of the initiatives identified in that paper.

Following an organisational restructure and change of management for the IT Department, an independent review was commissioned.  This review has been undertaken by a highly credible independent Technical Specialist.  Their work identified a number of areas of concern as part of an initial piece of work and made an assessment of risks to the organisation that these issues posed.  These are linked to a number of the items articulated in the initial strategy document, but which had not been progressed/delivered which resulted in the NYP technology being below the expected standard.  They included things such as old and outdated hardware, unsupported software and an infrastructure that could not effectively support the modern technologies required for operational policing.

Having identified the issues and associated risks, work has progressed to review budgets and seek Executive Board approval to a change of spend on previously agreed budgets/funding.  This change in spend was approved at Executive Board on 28th January 2014.  This approval enabled the IT Department to commence planning and progression of the required works in order to move NYP from a position of risk to a stable and up to date technical infrastructure.

The delivery of these elements of IT work/service will ensure that the organisations technical infrastructure is progressed to a position whereby we can support the organisation in its’ aim to exploit technology to support an effective and sustainable OPM and the projects detailed in this business case.

Operational outcomes and strategic fit:

Vision:      Be Safe, Feel Safe

Mission:   Protected by the most responsive service in England

Values:     Inspirational, Courageous, Compassionate

Work is currently being undertaken to ensure that NYP is a sustainable organisation and can continue to deliver high quality policing services to the communities of North Yorkshire and the City of York and remain the safest place to live in the country.

There are four key work streams that underpin future delivery and sustainability of operational policing in North Yorkshire.  These are:

  • The Operational Policing Model
  • Partnerships and Collaboration
  • People
  • Fit for the Future

Each of the work streams seeks to deliver savings, and contribute to corporate good health and delivery of the Police and Crime Plan goals.

The projects included in this business case will be key to ensuring a successful delivery of the OPM and the Fit for Future work stream.  They will underpin the delivery of the proposed new Northern Base and the Partnership and Collaboration work stream by ensuring that we have a technical infrastructure that will support a mobile/flexible workforce and enable partners to work from NYP locations.

Furthermore, we understand that in order for us to deliver excellent customer services we must position ourselves so that we provide a range of ways for the public to access our services and communication with us.  We recognise that individuals will wish to use different ways to communicate us depending on their personal circumstances, preference for communicating and the individual circumstances of each contact.  We need to be able to respond to these changing demands as new technologies and communications channels emerge and to be able to offer our customers a range of access channels that are currently available in the wider world, but have not yet been adopted by North Yorkshire Police.

It is recognised that the investment in technology is a key enabler to achieving the overall outcomes of the police and crime plan.  It is also understood that the environment has to be receptive to the new ways of working.  It is important that officers and staff are able to embrace the change and understand how this fits into the OPM and that policies and practices make sense and are consistent.

The implementation of the changes will be a part of an organisational wide communication and leadership development approach.  This will include ensuring that the culture and working environment support working in a way which embraces innovation and new technology.

The Information Technology Strategy Business Case seeks to support delivery of the above work streams and sets out how each of the individual projects will support the delivery of the four work streams, and the delivery of the Police and Crime Plan goals.

2.  Matters for consideration

Approval of the IT Strategy Business Case will support a sustainable NYP that will be able to exploit technologies to support operational service delivery.

3.  Other options considered, if any

Other options have not been considered, as North Yorkshire Police needs to continue to develop and implement new technologies to ensure that it remains best place to deliver operational policing services to the communities of North Yorkshire and the City of York.

4.  Contribution to Police and Crime Plan outcomes

The proposed projects contained in the IT Strategy Business Case will support the delivery of all outcomes identified in the Police and Crime Plan, in particular in the Fit for Future, More for Less and Reduce Harm objectives.

5.  Consultations carried out

The Chief Constable has provided the strategic objective of establishing a new OPM by April, 2016 and thereby placing North Yorkshire Police in a strong position to deliver the goals set out in the Police and Crime Plan.

The OPM has sought to look differently and innovatively at what services are delivered whilst ensuring that we retain what has served North Yorkshire Police so well to date, the OPM is far more than a structural change.  Significant investment in technologies such as mobile working, deployment management and ANPR, together with a renewed vigour to reduce bureaucracy will support our officers and staff to be visible and responsive to our communities.  The aim is to optimise all of our operational resources.

The OPM work stream is a fundamental review of how policing is delivered in North Yorkshire.  It proposes a new organisational structure and fundamental changes to how policing will be delivered in North Yorkshire.

There has been consultation with colleagues leading on the OPM and it is the intention to create project teams to progress each of the projects identified in this paper to a full business case that will have an operational lead to ensure that the ultimate product meets the needs of operational service delivery.

6.  Financial Implications/Value for money

Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer’s Comments:  This investment will facilitate the organisation to implement the systems and technical infrastructure required to enable NYP to deliver its identified key strategic priorities.  These are being progressed through the following Delivery Board work streams:

  • Operational Policing Model
  • Fit for the Future
  • Partnerships and Collaboration
  • People

Having reviewed the plans and proposals I am satisfied that the investment and successful implementation of these projects will represent Value for Money for the organisation and support a sustainable NYP in delivering services to the communities of North Yorkshire and the City of York in accordance with the Police and Crime Plan.

The expenditure as proposed over the 5 years 2013/14 to 2017/18 is slightly higher than the funding currently allocated for IT in the MTFP, but the amount involved is minor, and will be covered from within expected under spends in the rest of the Capital Programme in 2013/14.

The expenditure phasing as proposed would mean that some additional internal borrowing was required in 2015/16, to be repaid in 2016/17 and 2017/18.  However, a substantial part of the expenditure listed in 2014/15 is subject to the production of business cases and may be profiled across 2014/15 and later years, which should mitigate the need for some or all of this internal borrowing.  The position will be kept under review and will be referred back to Executive Board as each business case is presented for approval.

7.  Legal Implications

Having read this report and having considered such information as has been provided at the time of being asked to express this view, the Force Solicitor is satisfied that this report does not ask the Commissioner to make a decision which would (or would be likely to) give rise to a contravention of the law.

 8.  Equality Implications

There are no adverse impacts on any of the 9 protected characteristic groups arising from this proposal.  However, t is recognised that progression of some of the projects may result in an improvement in service delivery to some of these groups.

9.  Human Resources Implications

The Information Technology Strategy has several links to the People Strategy strands in terms of Valuing, Managing and Developing our people. This decision notice provides for a significant investment in technology to support our people in the delivery of services to the communities of North Yorkshire and the City of York.

The detailed Training and development requirements associated with this investment will be considered as part of the implementation programmes associated with each business case as they are approved.  The Training Commissioning group will require a specification of training requirements from the IT programme/project leads for consideration.  Any cost implications associated with these requirements will be managed as part of the costed Training Plan development activity.

Public Access to information

The Police and Crime Commissioner wishes to be as open and transparent as possible about the decisions he/she takes or are taken in his/her name. All decisions taken by the Commissioner will be subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).

As a general principle, the Commissioner expects to be able to publish all decisions taken and all matters taken into account and all advice received when reaching the decision. Part 1 of this Notice will detail all information which the Commissioner will disclose into the public domain. The decision and information in Part 1 will be made available on the NYPCC web site within 2 working days of approval.

Only where material is properly classified as restricted under the GPMS or if that material falls within the description at 2(2) of The Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) Order 2011 will the Commissioner not disclose decisions and/or information provided to enable that decision to be made. In these instances, Part 2 of the Form will be used to detail those matters considered to be restricted.  Information in Part 2 will not be published.

Is there a Part 2 to this Notice – YES

If Yes, what is the reason for restriction – Commercially sensitive data in respect of budgets and estimated costs has been included in Part 2

Originating Officer Declaration – Author name:      Julie McMurray, Collar number:     006038

  Name     (Collar Number) Date of completion (√)
Head of Department has reviewed the request and is satisfied that it is correct and consistent with the NYPCC’s plans and priorities. Joanna Carter 20.02.2014
Legal Advice Legal advice has been sought on this proposal and is considered not to expose the PCC to risk of legal challenge or such risk is outlined in Part 1 or Part 2 of this Notice. Simon Dennis 08.04.2014
Financial Advice The CC CFO has been consulted on this proposal, for which budgetary provision already exists or is to be made in accordance with Part 1 or Part 2 of this Notice. Jane Palmer 07.05.2014
Equalities Advice Either there is considered to be minimal impact or the impact is outlined in Part1 or Part2 of this Notice. Author to complete as Equalities matters are mainstreamed within departments. Julie McMurray006038 20.02.2014

I confirm that all the above advice has been sought and received and I am satisfied that this is an appropriate request to be submitted for a decision

Signature           Julie McMurray          


Part 2

Information supplied to the OPCC considered to be restricted

Appendix D –  Activities and estimated costs to progress to a stable technical infrastructure

Appendix E –  Financial Summary for Capital requirement for IT Strategy Delivery


Appendix A – IT Strategy Model  001 Appendix A IT Strategy Model Arrows

Appendix B – Aims and outcomes of delivery of the IT Strategy  001 Appendix B v11

Appendix C – Assessment of how delivery of the IT Strategy will support the outcomes of the Delivery Board work streams and the Police and Crime Plan  001 Appendix Cv11(a)

Appendix D – Restricted – Activities and estimated costs to progress to a stable technical infrastructure

Appendix E – Restricted – Financial Summary of capital requirement for IT Strategy delivery

Appendix F – Telephone (Unified Communications) Business Case:  001 Appendix F UC Business Case 001 Appendix F UC Business Case Appendix 1 001 Appendix F UC Business Case Appendix 2 001 Appendix F UC Business Case Appendix 3A 001 Appendix F UC Business Case Appendix 3B 001 Appendix F UC Business Case Appendix 4 001 Appendix F UC Business Case Appendix 5

Appendix G – Timeline for delivery  001 Appendix G Visio-ISD Strategic Timeline

Appendix H – Summary of investment in information technology and technical infrastructure  001 Appendix H IT papers financial assessment



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