Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

2022 – 15 March- Fire IAC

North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner / North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service Independent Audit Committee

Meeting to be held at 10:30 on Tuesday 15 March 2022

Teams Meeting

No. Item title and Purpose Lead
1. Attendance and Apologies, received from :  Simon Dennis and Jon Dyson – James Manning (Area Manager Director of Assurance) Chair
2. Declaration of Interest Chair
3. Minutes and actions of previous meeting held on 27th January 2022 Chair
4. Matters arising Chair
5 Internal Audit progress Report(s) Veritau
5a Internal Audit progress report
5b Policies and Procedures audit to final
5c Bank Mandate Report
6. External Audit Completion Report Mazars
7. Corporate Governance Framework MP
8. Previous Annual Governance Statement actions update
9. IAC Forward Planner MP
10. Internal Audit – Draft Internal Audit Plan RSM
11. Tactical Leadership Team Update Report
Information Governance
Performance Indicators
Corporate Risk Management
Health and Safety
12. Dates of future meetings
20th September 2022
13th December 2022
21st March 2023
20th June 2023

The next meeting of the IAC will take place at 10:30 on 21st June 2022 in the Haigh Meeting Room, 1st Floor Alverton Court

Meeting papers

3 – IAC – Minutes of the previous meeting held on 27th January 2022

5a – Internal Audit progress report

5b – Policies and Procedures audit to final

5c – Bank Mandate Report

6 – External Audit Completion Report

9 – IAC Forward Planner

10 – Internal Audit – Draft Internal Audit Plan

11 – Tactical Leadership Team Update Report