Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Allocation of funding for victim support services

Information disclosed

Our Ref: Our Ref: NY8699 - Date: 10/08/2023

Our Ref: NY8699

Date: 10/08/2023


I write in connection with your request for information that was received by the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire (OPFCC) 04 August 2023.

I note you seek access to the following information:  

This is a submission of an FOI request concerning the allocation of funding for victim support services in your local area. 

In particular, we are interested in seeing a break down in funding grants for local victim services, for both multi-crime services and specialist domestic abuse services, with the names of individual grantees included. Funding allocations made within the last 12 months will suffice. We would appreciate it if these could be sent via email.

Extent and Result of Searches to Locate Information 

To locate the information relevant to your request searches were conducted within the OPFCC.

I can confirm that the information you have requested is held by the OPFCC.


I have today decided to disclose the located information to you.

PFCC funding for local victim services, for both multi-crime services and specialist domestic abuse services, included can be found here. The information shows Provider and funding amount.  The funding shown is the maximum annual OPFCC funding available for the service and not the total cost of the service, as some services are jointly commissioned or funded or additional ring-fenced funded:

The PFCC also has two grant programmes, Community Fund and Community Safety Services Fund.  Information on all projects funded can be found here:

In addition, in 2022-23, additional funding was provided from the Ministry of Justice, to support victims and survivors of domestic abuse (DA) or sexual violence (SV) to cope with the impacts of crime, and, as far as possible, recover from the harm they have experienced.

This funding was distributed locally within North Yorkshire & the City of York via the Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner, following an assessment of local need in relation to both domestic abuse and sexual violence support services:

Name of charity / organisation 2022-23 Allocation   2023-24 Allocation  Indicative  2024-25 Allocation   Total Allocation 
The Halo Project £     30,000.00  £     30,000.00  £    30,000.00  £    90,000.00
New Beginnings Peer Support £     50,000.00  £     50,000.00  £    50,000.00  £   150,000.00
Community Counselling £     37,316.00  £     37,316.00  £      3,109.67  £    77,741.67
Survive £     34,035.00  £     34,035.00  £      2,836.25  £    70,906.25
St Michael’s Hospice – Talking Spaces £     11,000.00  £     11,000.00  £    11,000.00  £    33,000.00
York Women’s Counselling £     11,273.87  £     11,273.87  £    11,273.87  £    33,821.61
Changing Lives £     70,000.00  £     70,000.00  £    29,166.67  £   169,166.67
The Children’s Society £     45,000.00  £     45,000.00  £                –  £    90,000.00
PACE £     30,300.00  £     30,300.00  £                –  £    60,600.00
DA&SV Services TOTAL   £    318,924.87   £    318,924.87   £   137,386.46   £   775,236.20
IDVA Funding
IDAS £    427,126.00  £    451,516.00  £                –  £   878,642.00
  IDVA Total   £    427,126.00   £    451,516.00   £                –     £   878,642.00 
ISVA Funding
IDAS £    128,712.00  £    128,712.00  £                –  £   257,424.00
The Halo Project £     30,000.00  £     32,727.00  £    32,727.00  £    95,454.00
ISVA Total  £    158,712.00  £    161,439.00  £    32,727.00  £   352,878.00
ID/SVA TOTAL   £    585,838.00   £    612,955.00   £    32,727.00   £1,231,520.00

Please note that systems used for recording information are not generic, nor are the procedures used locally in capturing the data.  It should be noted therefore that the OPFCC’s response to your questions should not be used for comparison purposes with any other responses you may receive.

Complaint Rights

Your attention is drawn to the attached sheet which details your right of complaint.

If you have any queries concerning this request, please contact me quoting the reference number above.

Yours sincerely,

Alex Carter

Office of the North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner



Are you unhappy with how your request has been handled or do you think the decision is incorrect?

You have the right to request that the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire (OPFCC) reviews their decision.

Prior to lodging a formal complaint you are welcome and encouraged to discuss the decision with the case officer that dealt with your request.

Ask to have the decision looked at again –

The quickest and easiest way to have the decision looked at again is to telephone the case officer that is nominated at the end of your decision letter.

That person will be able to discuss the decision, explain any issues and assist with any problems.


If you are dissatisfied with the handling procedures or the decision the OPFCC made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act) regarding access to information, you can lodge a complaint with the OPFCC to have the decision reviewed.  The OPFCC must be notified of your intention to complain within 2 months of the date of its response to your Freedom of Information request.  Complaints should be made in writing and addressed to:

Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner

Harrogate Police Station

Beckwith Head Road


North Yorkshire


In all possible circumstances the OPFCC will aim to respond to your complaint as soon as practicable but within 20 working days.

The Information Commissioner

After lodging a complaint with the OPFCC if you are still dissatisfied with the decision you may make application to the Information Commissioner for a decision on whether the request for information has been dealt with in accordance with the requirements of the Act.

For information on how to make application to the Information Commissioner please visit their website at Alternatively, phone: 0303 123 1113 or write to:

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane

