Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

PFCC funding

Funding made by the Commissioner

The Commissioner is responsible for a range of different funding that addresses the Police and Crime Plan priorities.

The Commissioner delegates elements of their role through a mix of commissioned services, non-commissioned services and partnership work.

Community fund

The Community Fund is specifically for local organisations, groups or individuals who need money to help fund a new community safety project or scheme.

Funds are only available for new or innovative projects led by people based or operating solely or mainly within North Yorkshire and the City of York.

Funds from £500 up to £20,000 can be awarded for specific projects that support communities within North Yorkshire to “Be Safe and Feel Safe”, including:

  • Diversionary activities for children and young people
  • Promoting safety and reducing the fear of crime and anti-social behaviour
  • Support for victims
  • Improving community cohesion
  • Preventing crime and anti-social behaviour
  • Supporting the purchase of specific pieces of equipment in key community locations

Find out how the Community Fund has been used to support communities and how you can apply.

Community Safety

The Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 introduced a responsibility for Police and Crime Commissioners and responsible authorities in Community Safety Partnerships to act in co-operation with each other in exercising their respective functions.

In addition to working in partnership, the Commissioner has also identified funding to support community safety issues, through a mix of commissioned and non-commissioned services.

Find out more about Community Safety and Community Safety funded services

Commissioned services

The Ministry of Justice devolved funding for Victims Commissioning in 2013-14 to Police and Crime Commissioners. This included funding for Restorative Justice, Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse in 2014-15.

From April 2015, Police and Crime Commissioners have been responsible for commissioning the majority of support services for victims of crime and other commissioned support services.

The Commissioner devolves her responsibility for commissioning and managing these services to the Commissioning and Partnership Services team.

Find out more about the Commissioning and Partnership Services