Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Search decisions

Decision Notices

DN 05/06/2024-01 – 2024/25 Fire Budget, Medium Term Financial Plan and Associated Papers

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Following a public consultation, the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Fire and Rescue Authority for North Yorkshire proposed a £2.41, or 2.99%, increase of the fire precept, for a Band D property, to the Police, Fire and Crime Panel. This proposal was supported by the Panel and subsequent to this the 2024/25 budget process has […]

DN 05/2024- Fire and Rescue Pay Policy Statement 2024-25

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DN 05/2024 Date 17/04/2024 The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Fire and Rescue Authority approves the annual pay policy statement prepared for the purposes of section 38 of the Localism Act 2011 (pay policy statements)(d)’. Background Sections 38 to 43 of the Localism Act 2011 require relevant authorities to prepare a pay policy statement for […]

DN 04/2024 – Fire Precept Proposal 2024/25

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The PFCC has decided, after consultation with the public, to propose to the Police, Fire and Crime Panel a fire precept for 2024/25 of £83.02 for a Band D property within North Yorkshire. This would be an increase of 2.99%, or £2.41, per annum, from the 2023/24 level.