Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Stop Hate Crime – Appendix B: Focus Group Questions

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Introduction and Welcome

This research is being carried out by the Police and Crime Commissioner to gain a better understanding of how crime affects diverse communities across North Yorkshire.

This is an informal, safe environment where I hope you will share your thoughts and experiences with me. Please be reassured that any information you share will be anonymised (unless you state otherwise).

This discussion will talk about crime generally, and I will seek your views on hate crime too. The new unit in York, Supporting Victims in North Yorkshire, will provide victims of crime (including victims of hate crime) with the most appropriate services to suit their needs. North Yorkshire is taking hate crime seriously and it is important that we engage with those communities who may be perceived to be victims of certain types of crime to ensure that we are doing all we can to keep all of our communities safe.

  • What does hate crime mean?
  • Have you been a victim of hate crime? How do you know? What did you do? Where did it happen?
  • Did you report the crime? Why/why not?
  • What do you think were the causes or underlying factors of this crime?
  • If you became a victim of hate crime, what would you do?
  • Why do you think hate crime goes underreported?
  • Do you feel like you are treated at all differently because of any perceived difference between you and others? Is this a ‘norm’?
  • When you’re going about you day-to-day routine, do you feel safe? Are there any places/times where you feel unsafe or vulnerable?
  • Do you understand what ‘mate crime’ is?
  • How did the police respond to you? How did they treat you? What was your opinion of the officer that dealt with the crime?
  • What is your attitude to the police generally? This can be North Yorkshire Police, or use information or anecdotal evidence that you have from other means.