The role of the OPFCC
The York & North Yorkshire Office for Policing, Fire, Crime and Commissioning is specifically responsible for:
- Seeking the public’s views on policing and community safety decisions that affect them directly.
- Keeping the public up-to-date and informed about police performance, fire service performance and the Mayor’s work in these areas.
- Monitoring and scrutinising the performance of the Chief Constable and North Yorkshire Police
- Monitoring and scrutinising the performance of the Chief Fire Officer and North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service
- Publishing easy-to-access and transparent information about decisions, budgets, performance and governance
- Working with partners to co-ordinate community safety and crime prevention activities across York and North yorkshire
- Commissioning appropriate services for local people
Statutory Officers
Corporate Director OPFCC & Combined Authority Deputy Monitoring Officer for Mayoral Policing Fire & Crime functions
Every Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) or Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner (PFCC) must have a Chief Executive in post who will support and advise the Commissioner and assist in the delivery all statutory duties. Under the devolved Mayor model, the Corporate Director performs a similar role, acting as the most senior policing, fire and crime governance advisor to the Mayor and Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire & Crime.
The Corporate Director works with the Chief Constable and Chief Fire Officer, the Chief Finance Officers (and equivalents) and other senior leaders to ensure delivery of the Mayor’s policing, fire and crime vision, strategy and priorities and ensures rigorous scrutiny of operational activities.
The Corporate Director also provides effective leadership to the Mayor’s Office for Policing, Fire, Crime & Commissioning (“the OPFCC”) and is a member of the Combined Authority Leadership Team.
The Corporate Director holds the role of Combined Authority Deputy Monitoring Officer for Mayoral ‘PFCC’ functions, with a remit to identify any contravention of law, maladministration or injustice and to promote high ethical standards.
The post acts in lockstep with the Combined Authority Head of Paid Service, to discharge the responsibility for leading OPFCC staff and ensuring that the OPFCC has the skills, capacity, vision and values to support the Mayor and Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire & Crime in the performance of their powers and duties.
The post of Corporate Director is politically-restricted and the post holder must be appointed on merit.
Simon is a Solicitor with over 20 years of ‘blue light’ legal and regulatory experience. He has served in the roles of PCC Chief Executive & Monitoring Officer in both Cleveland and North Yorkshire and has been involved in the design and implementation of the ‘single elected individual’ model for police and fire governance, since its inception in 2011.
Nationally, Simon is a member of the Executive of the Association of Policing & Crime Chief Executives (APAC2E). Examples of recent national work include: assisting PCCs nationally to contribute to reform of the Policing Protocol Order; and Simon’s work with the APCC, NPCC and CPOSA to deliver national templates for Chief Police Officer terms of appointment.
Summary Responsibilities:
- To provide dynamic leadership and effective, high-quality guidance, advice and support to the Mayor and Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime and for staff within the OPFCC.
- To ensure the Mayor and DMPFC and the Office meet their statutory duties and strategic objectives, ensuring legality, effective governance and the highest ethical standards.
- To advise and assist the Mayor and DMPFC in the review, development and implementation of statutory Plans and commissioning powers.
- To support and advise the Mayor and DMPFC in the development of vision, strategy and planning, ensuring implementation and regular review.
Michael Porter – Deputy Section 73 Officer (in relation to the following Police and Crime and Fire and Rescue Functions)
Michael’s role includes:
To act as Deputy Section 73 Officer in relation to Police, Fire and Crime Functions of the Combined Authority, in particular the detailed financial management responsibilities of the Section 73 Officer as set out in the Financial Regulations within Part 9 of the Constitution of the Combined authority.
In respect of Police and Crime Functions of the Combined Authority, to act as financial advisor to the Mayor or Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (if appointed) exercising their Police and Crime Functions. This includes a responsibility to manage the Mayor’s Police and Crime financial affairs as set out in sections 112 and 114 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 and the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2003 (as amended).
In respect of the Fire and Rescue Functions of the Combined Authority, to act as financial advisor to the Mayor or Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (if Fire and Rescue Functions are delegated) exercising their Fire and Rescue Functions
Michael fulfils this role on a part-time basis, being also Cleveland PCC’s Chief Finance Officer.