What we spend and how we spend it
See what we spend and how we spend it
Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
- Audited accounts (the specialist examination of the accounts of the office of the PFCC)
- The annual audit letters and reports on the accounts of the office of the PFCC
Allowances and Expenses
Contracts and Tenders
- Contracts under £10,000
- Contracts over £10,000
- Invitation to tender, issued by the Commissioner, where the contract exceeds £10,000.
Senior salaries
North Yorkshire Police
- The total budget of the elected local policing body – published in the Medium term financial plan
- Planned Expenditure (Police Precept)
- Financial planning:
Medium term financial plan
Prudential indicators and annual investment strategy
Minimum revenue provision strategy - Anticipated revenue sources
Planned precept levels – Police (Council Tax) - Correspondence with the Police, Fire and Crime Panel – Precept proposal (Council Tax)
- Expenditure over £500 – North Yorkshire Police
- Audited accounts (the specialist examination of the accounts of North yorkshire Police);
- The annual audit letters and reports on the accounts of North yorkshire Police
North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service
- The total budget of the fire and rescue service – published in the Medium term financial plan
- Planned Expenditure (Fire Precept)
- Fire – Financial planning:
Medium term financial plan
Prudential indicators and annual investment strategy
Minimum revenue provision strategy - Anticipated revenue sources
Planned precept levels – Fire (Council Tax) - Correspondence with the Police, Fire and Crime Panel – Fire Precept proposal (Council Tax)
- Expenditure over £500 – North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service (Published on Data North yorkshire)