Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

2022/23 Fire precept

  • The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner has set the Band D Fire Element of the Council Tax within North Yorkshire for 2022/23 at £75.61.
  • This is an increase of 1.98% or £1.47 per year over the 2022/23 level.

Your contribution through your council tax 2022/23

Property Band 2021/22 2022/23 Increase per Annum Increase per Week
A £49.43 £50.41 £0.98 £0.02
B £57.66 £58.81 £1.15 £0.02
C £65.90 £67.21 £1.31 £0.03
D £74.14 £75.61 £1.47 £0.03
E £90.62 £92.42 £1.80 £0.03
F £107.09 £109.22 £2.13 £0.04
G £123.57 £126.03 £2.46 £0.05
H £148.28 £151.23 £2.95 £0.06

Income and expenditure

Funding for the fire service

2021/22 2022/23
Funding from Government £9.2m £8.8m
Council tax precept – your contribution £22.4m £23.4m
Specific grants £3.7m £4.6m
Fees, Charges and Partnerships £0.6m £0.6m
Use of Reserves £0.4m £0.8m
Total funding £36.3m £38.2m

Fire budget breakdown

2021/22 2022/23
Firefighter pay £21.3m £22.6m
Control and support staff £4.2m £4.7m
Supplies and Services £3.4m £3.8m
Premises and equipment £2.1m £2.1m
PFI £1.5m £1.6m
Transport £0.8m £0.9m
Capital financial charges £2.2m £.7m
Other costs £0.8m £0.8m
Total spending plan £36.3m £38.2m

How your money will be spent

When governance of the Service transferred to the Commissioner in 2018 we inherited a Financial Plan with a £2.6m imbalance across its 4 year life span. Since then, a significant amount of work has been undertaken and Financial Plans set out in February 2021 forecasted a balanced plan by 2023/24.

Unfortunately, due to unexpected pay awards, the higher costs of utilities, and costs linked to our ageing buildings, our costs are increasing faster than our funding.

I am working with the Chief Fire Officer to look at all options to be more effective and efficient to ensure that we best match our resources to our risk and build a stable and balanced financial plan.

I want to reassure everyone that no matter the challenges we face we will always ensure that the Service has what it needs to protect our communities.

Precept leaflet

Precept leaflet - front cover

Correspondence with the Police Fire and Crime Panel

Fire precept consultation results and proposal: