Your Commissioner - Your Voice

Commissioner Zoë can ask questions on your behalf in her Online Public Meeting with the Chief Constable or Chief Fire Officer. Ask your question and find out more.

2022/23 Fire precept

  • The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner has set the Band D Fire Element of the Council Tax within North Yorkshire for 2022/23 at £75.61.
  • This is an increase of 1.98% or £1.47 per year over the 2022/23 level.

Your contribution through your council tax 2022/23

Property Band 2021/22 2022/23 Increase per Annum Increase per Week
A £49.43 £50.41 £0.98 £0.02
B £57.66 £58.81 £1.15 £0.02
C £65.90 £67.21 £1.31 £0.03
D £74.14 £75.61 £1.47 £0.03
E £90.62 £92.42 £1.80 £0.03
F £107.09 £109.22 £2.13 £0.04
G £123.57 £126.03 £2.46 £0.05
H £148.28 £151.23 £2.95 £0.06

Income and expenditure

Funding for the fire service

2021/22 2022/23
Funding from Government £9.2m £8.8m
Council tax precept – your contribution £22.4m £23.4m
Specific grants £3.7m £4.6m
Fees, Charges and Partnerships £0.6m £0.6m
Use of Reserves £0.4m £0.8m
Total funding £36.3m £38.2m

Fire budget breakdown

2021/22 2022/23
Firefighter pay £21.3m £22.6m
Control and support staff £4.2m £4.7m
Supplies and Services £3.4m £3.8m
Premises and equipment £2.1m £2.1m
PFI £1.5m £1.6m
Transport £0.8m £0.9m
Capital financial charges £2.2m £.7m
Other costs £0.8m £0.8m
Total spending plan £36.3m £38.2m

How your money will be spent

When governance of the Service transferred to the Commissioner in 2018 we inherited a Financial Plan with a £2.6m imbalance across its 4 year life span. Since then, a significant amount of work has been undertaken and Financial Plans set out in February 2021 forecasted a balanced plan by 2023/24.

Unfortunately, due to unexpected pay awards, the higher costs of utilities, and costs linked to our ageing buildings, our costs are increasing faster than our funding.

I am working with the Chief Fire Officer to look at all options to be more effective and efficient to ensure that we best match our resources to our risk and build a stable and balanced financial plan.

I want to reassure everyone that no matter the challenges we face we will always ensure that the Service has what it needs to protect our communities.

Precept leaflet

Precept leaflet - front cover

Correspondence with the Police Fire and Crime Panel

Fire precept consultation results and proposal: