Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

2019/20 Fire precept

North Yorkshire’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner is responsible for setting the local fire ‘precept’ – the amount people pay through their council tax for fire and rescue services.

This year, after hearing the views of 2,741 members of the public, your elected Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, Julia Mulligan has decided to increase the amount of precept for the fire and rescue service by an average of £2.07, or about 4 pence a week.

This was the first consultation to be undertaken since the transfer of Governance to the Police Fire and Crime Commissioner which had 2,741 responses, which compares to less than 100 received by the previous Fire Authority.

A large majority, 75% of people who completed the consultation, supported an increase of £2 in the fire and rescue precept. 49% said they were prepared to pay more than £2 with one in five people, 22%, prepared to pay over £5. The Commissioner can only raise the fire precept by 2.99% without holding a referendum.

Your contribution through your council tax 2019/20

Property Band 2018/19 2019/20 Increase per Annum Increase per Week
£ £ £ pence
A 46.13 47.51 1.38 3
B 53.82 55.43 1.61 3
C 61.51 63.35 1.84 4
D 69.20 71.27 2.07 4
E 84.58 87.11 2.53 5
F 99.96 102.95 2.99 6
G 115.33 118.78 3.45 7
H 138.40 142.54 4.14 8

Funding for the fire service

Funding for the Fire 2018/19 2019/20
Funding from Government £9.3m £9.0m
Council tax precept – your contribution £20.7m £21.5m
Specific grants £1.6m £3.1m
Fees, Charges and Partnerships £0.5m £0.5m
Use of Reserves £1.2m £1.1m
Total funding £33.3m £35.2m

Fire budget breakdown

Fire budget breakdown 2018/19 2019/20
Firefighter pay £18.8m £20.6m
Control and support staff £4.3m £4.3m
Supplies and Services £2.9m £3.1m
Premises and equipment £2.1m £2.1m
PFI £1.4m £1.4m
Transport £0.9m £0.7m
Capital financial charges £1.9m £2.1m
Other costs £1.0m £0.9m
Total spending plan £33.3m £35.2m

Correspondence with the Police Fire and Crime Panel

Fire precept consultation results and proposal:

Download the Fire and Police Precept Leaflet 2019/2020


Consultation findings and precept proposals

The consultation:

As Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner it is Julia’s responsibility to set the police and fire precepts.

police precept‘– the amount you pay for policing in your council tax
fire precept‘ – the amount you pay for fire and rescue services in your council tax

The two services have distinct finances and funding.

  • The precept raised for policing is used to fund the Police.
  • The precept raised for fire and rescue is used for the Fire and Rescue Service

Before Julia sets the precepts, she wants to hear your thoughts. Please take a few moments to complete the survey and tell her how much you are prepared to pay next year for both the police, and fire service in North Yorkshire.

Police precept

Policing continues to evolve in North Yorkshire as it responds to the changing nature of crime and demands on our police service. This county remains the safest place in England, but we are facing a series of challenges with many people telling Julia they want to see investment in local, visible policing.

Through public consultation, Julia has developed a list of priorities for the Chief Constable. These include increasing the number of officers, improving the 101 service and dealing with serious and local crime concerns.

Our police service faces financial challenges and needs to save around £10m per year from 2020.

What are the options?

An average Band D property currently pays £232.82 per year for policing.

The Government allows Police, Fire and Crime Commissioners to increase the police precept by up to £24 per year for a Band D property. This would raise an additional £7m.

The options Julia want to hear your opinions on are:

  • Pay no more than you pay now – a precept freeze.
    This would mean a real terms cut to the police budget when inflation is taken into account
  • Pay the same increase as last year – an extra £11.50 per year for a Band D property
    This would raise £3.5m
  • Pay an increase of between £11.50 and £24
    This would raise up to £7m
  • Pay an increase of more than £24
    This would raise more than £7m

How is North Yorkshire Police funded?

About 52 per cent of funding comes from the Government while the remaining 48 per cent is raised locally, mainly through the ‘police precept’ – the amount you pay for policing in your council tax.

Our government funding is reducing year on year with continued reductions forecast for 2019/20.

North Yorkshire Police needs to make savings of £10m each year from 2020.

What do I pay now and what would an increase of £24, for a Band D property, mean to me?

Property Band 2018/19 2019/20 Increase per Annum Increase per Week
£ £ £ pence
A 155.21 171.21 16.00 31
B 181.08 199.75 18.67 36
C 206.95 228.28 21.33 41
D 232.82 256.82 24.00 46
E 284.56 313.89 29.33 56
F 336.30 370.96 34.67 67
G 388.03 428.03 40.00 77
H 465.64 513.64 48.00 92

Fire precept

The North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service is facing serious financial challenges and Julia is determined to ensure it has a strong and sustainable future keeping North Yorkshire safe.

The fire service currently attend around 6,500 incidents per year from fires to road traffic collisions, flooding to other emergencies.

Our Fire Service needs to make savings of at least £3.5m each year from 2020 onwards.

What are the options?

An average Band D property pays £69.20 per year for the fire and rescue service.

The Government currently caps the amount of money Julia can raise by 2.99% or £2. This would raise an additional £600,ooo but will leave considerable financial challenges.

The options Julia want to hear your opinions on are:

  • Pay no more than you pay now – a precept freeze.
    This would mean a real terms cut to the fire and rescue budget when inflation is taken into account.
  • Pay the same increase as last year – a 2.99% increase – an extra £2 per year for a Band D property.
    This would raise £600,000.
  • Pay an increase of between £2 and £5
    This would raise up to £1.5m
  • Pay an increase of more than £5
    This would raise more than £1.5m

How is North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue service funded?

About 30 per cent of funding comes from the Government while the remaining 70 per cent is raised locally, mainly through the ‘fire precept’ – the amount you pay for the fire and rescue service in your council tax.

Our government funding is reducing year on year with continued reductions forecast for 2019/20.

The North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service needs to make savings of £3.5m each year.

What do I pay now and what would an increase of 2.99% mean to me?

Property Band 2018/19 2019/20 Increase per Annum Increase per Week
£ £ £ pence
A 46.13 47.51 1.38 3
B 53.82 55.43 1.61 3
C 61.51 63.35 1.84 4
D 69.20 71.27 2.07 4
E 84.58 87.11 2.53 5
F 99.96 102.95 2.99 6
G 115.33 118.78 3.45 7
H 138.40 142.54 4.14 8

Have your say

Your views are important so please tell Julia what you think:

  • Click here to complete the online survey
  • Send an email to [email protected]
  • Call the office on 01423 569 562
  • Send a letter to:
    Julia Mulligan
    Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire and York
    Harrogate Police Station
    Beckwith Head Rd
    HG3 1FR

Survey closed at midnight 20 January 2019

Download and print – posters and leaflets

Print out and pin up a poster

Download the Precept poster

Print out the leaflet with questionnaire

Download the leaflet with questionnaire