Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Community safety services fund 2018/19

Youth Justice Services SAVRY Training 

£2,920 funding awarded 

Youth Justice Services work with young people aged 10-17 to prevent offending and anti-social behaviour, and support the rehabilitation of children and young people who offend, protecting victims and community from further harm.

Violent crime is a particular concern for victims and the community, because of the serious distress and harm which often results from this.  Significantly, the victims of youth violence are most often other young people and there is currently no specialised or validated model to assess persistent or seriously violent young people.

Funding will be use to ensure training of staff across both services in North Yorkshire and City of York in the application of the SAVRY (Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth) model.  SAVRY is the leading internationally-validated assessment model for violent young people. Using SAVRY to inform risk management judgements, sentencing recommendations and community management will improve the reliability and safety of partnership activity, better safeguarding the public from harm and ensuring this highly vulnerable group of young people receive a specialist assessment to inform appropriate interventions

RFEA- The Forces Employment Charity, Project Nova 

£10,000 funding awarded 

Project Nova is an early intervention programme reaching and supporting vulnerable Veterans in the criminal justice system to divert them from offending and re-offending behaviour.  This group of hard to reach individuals are often unaware or unable to access other support services, increasing their risk and vulnerability.

Project Nova is a highly innovative programme and the first of its kind to support veterans who have been arrested or are at risk of arrest to improve social stability, continue that support through to finding employment, to reduce re-offending and support a positive change in behaviour.

Funding will enable RFEA to continue delivering Project Nova in North Yorkshire, whilst expanding its reach and enhancing collaborative working.  This will be achieved by working with referrals from both the Community Rehabilitation Company and National Probation Service client groups, as well as building strong links with North Yorkshire Police Force to refer veterans during their criminal justice journey to support a diversionary approach.

RFEA exists to provide life-long, life changing support jobs and training opportunities to service leavers and veterans, irrespective of circumstances, rank, length of service or reason for leaving.

Reshape (formerly Yorkshire Humberside and Lincolnshire Circles of Support and Accountability) 

£20,038 funding awarded

Reshape is a community project that works to educate and empower the community to safeguard itself from sexual Harm by empowering the community to be the solution.  The overall aim, aligned to the Police and Crime Plan aim of Caring About the Vulnerable is ‘no more victims’ and the project aims to achieve this through operating a collaborative approach across victim and perpetrator services.

This funding will support a new Volunteer Coordinator to recruit, train and mentor volunteers to be integrally involved in North Yorkshire’s first sexual harm prevention hub.  The hub will be a partnership project where the community continues to be the change makers, to increase awareness and understanding of sexual harm and support agencies in ensuring some of the most vulnerable individuals in society are protected from harm.

The hubs reach will be extensive with each project aligning their current objectives to meet need. It will also introduce the power of volunteers to organisations who have never considered the possibilities, aiming to enhance collaborative working and support a sustainable approach to long-term change.

Youth Justice Services Psychologically Informed Practice 

£20,000 Community Safety Services funding awarded

Youth Justice Services work with young people aged 10-17 to prevent offending and anti-social behaviour, and support the rehabilitation of children and young people who offend, protecting victims and community from further harm.

Supporting the key CSSF priority of a pro-active, outcomes focused approach to diversion and addressing (re)-offending, funding will support a 2-year project, embedding a Clinical Psychologist in front-line YJS service teams in North Yorkshire and City of Yorl.  These teams have a combined annual caseload of over 500 young people, most of whom are multiply-disadvantaged and likely to have trauma, abuse or neglect experiences.

The specialist post aims to better understand root causes of young people’s offending behaviour through close working with young people directly, families and professionals to ensure that care assessments, plans and service activity are informed by continuing psychological formulation.  This individualised understanding of need may lead to bespoke psychological assessment and direct intervention work, including Life Coaching, or the Clinical Psychologist may provide training, supervision and support to other workers, enhancing their practice.

Youth Justice Services Speech and Language Therapy

£20,000 Community Safety Services funding awarded

Youth Justice Services work with young people aged 10-17 to prevent offending and anti-social behaviour, and support the rehabilitation of children and young people who offend, protecting victims and community from further harm.

National research demonstrates a very high prevalence of undetected Speech, Language & Communication needs (SLCN) amongst young people who access youth justice services.  It is generally estimated that two-thirds will have significant SLCN, of whom less than 10% have been previously identified.

Funding will support a two year project, ensuring all young people working with Youth Justice Services across North Yorkshire and York receive a specialist SLCN assessment and appropriate support or intervention to reduce their likelihood of (re)-offending.

Staff in both services will also be trained to enhance their own skills and capacity and support communication interventions on a sustainable basis.

LIFE (Local Intervention Fire Education) project, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service (NYFRS)

£22,668 funding awarded

The LIFE project, delivered by NYFRS, aims to reduce the effects of antisocial behaviour on local communities. The project is targeted at young people, aged between 12 and 19, involved in or at risk of offending or anti-social behaviour, or those that may have been the victims of crime.

One of its objectives is to prevent young people from becoming young offenders or reoffending by providing an intensive five-day work programme in a tightly structured and focused team environment.

The LIFE project is delivered on a county-wide basis by trained Fire Officers, and referrals will be targeted via Community Safety Local Delivery Teams and Youth Justice Services, ensuring vulnerable young people can benefit from the project and make a positive change to their behaviour. Through a range of structured, focussed, team building activities, young people learn about the consequences of anti-social behaviour and how work co-operatively with others, with the aim of preventing further risk-taking behaviour and increasing resilience.

NYFRS will work with partners to ensure the delivery of targeted courses based on need and demand across North Yorkshire and York during 2019. In addition, young people who complete the course successfully will be introduced to the Princes Trust for follow on support as appropriate.

Trinity (Integrated Offender Management (IOM)), Pathways to Reducing Re-Offending Pilot Project

£20,000 total funding awarded across eight pathways in four areas

Trinity is the North Yorkshire & City of York approach to Integrated Offender Management. A broad partnership base ensures a local, flexible approach. This provides a wide range of resources and interventions to support offenders and their lifestyle pathways, with a view to achieving long-term desistence from crime.

Funding will support the design and delivery of a six month pilot project, targeted at the Integrated Offender Management cohort of offenders, with the aim of reducing their offending behaviour.

Based on assessment of need to support reduced offending and positive behavioural change, Integrated Offender Management will ensure targeted offenders from across the county can engage in a range of specialist interventions, linked to the outcomes below. Funding will be used to address gaps within the offender’s bespoke management plan, to inform the best route to successful pathway completion and a reduction in re-offending.

Trinity will test the project over a six month pilot, against the eight identified pathways below, across all four police areas;

  • Accommodation
  • Education, Training and Employment
  • Alcohol and Drugs
  • Financial management and income
  • Intimate relationships
  • Family, Lifestyle and Associates
  • Attitudes, Thinking Behaviour and Restorative Justice
  • Physical and Mental Health

Each pathway/outcome will be tested over a six month pilot, monitoring effectiveness against these outcomes to show ‘what works’ to assist re-offending. Learning from this can then be applied to other vulnerable cohorts as appropriate.