Online Public Meeting – 17 May 2024 – NYP – Serious and Organised Crime

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The focus of this month’s meeting
10:00am -12pm – North Yorkshire Police – Serious and Organised Crime
This meeting will focus on:
- A look at the latest performance data in areas of public interest and a report on complaints made against North Yorkshire Police.
- An in-depth discussion on a key theme of public concern identified in line with the police priorities.
- An opportunity for the OPFCC to raise issues that matter to the public for discussion with Chief Officers.
- An update on the progress made against the latest independent inspection by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services to provide the OPFCC and the public with evidence of improvements.
- A dedicated question and answer time for the OPFCC to ask the Chief and senior leadership team the questions submitted by members of the public.
- David Skaith – Mayor of York and North Yorkshire
- Simon Dennis – Corporate Director of Office for Police, Fire, Crime and Commissioning
- Jenni Newberry – Director of Commissioning and Partnerships, OPFCC
- Amanda Wilkinson– Director of Public Confidence, OPFCC
- Tamara Pattinson – Director of Delivery and Assurance, OPFCC
- Tim Forber – Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police
- Scott Bisset – Deputy Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police
- Wayne Fox – Temporary Assistant Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police
- DCI Fionna McEwan – NYP SOC Lead, North Yorkshire Police
- Performance Update – Scott Bisset – Deputy Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police
- Thematic presentation – Wayne Fox – Temporary Assistant Chief Constable & DCI Fionna McEwan – NYP SOC Lead
- Spotlight Questions – Tim Forber – Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police
- Inspection Update – Scott Bisset – Deputy Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police
Time | Item |
10:00 | Introductions |
Minutes of previous meetings | |
10:05 | Performance update |
10:30 | Main presentation |
11:00 | Spotlight questions |
11:10 | HMICFRS Inspection verbal update |
11:40 | Public questions |
12:00 | Meeting ends |
Meeting papers
Public questions
1- Tim – Harrogate – Illegal Vehicle
Is a police officer allowed to knowingly and complicitly allow a vehicle to be driven on UK roads without any tax, mot or insurance?
2-Mr Wilkinson – Thirsk – London Protest Incident
What is your opinion of the police action versus a Jewish man accused of being ‘openly Jewish’ on the streets of the UK?
What action should be taken against the police (I will not call them officers because they are not commissioned officers) concerned?
3- David – Harrogate – A1 Road Traffic Incident 24 April 2024
Why was the traffic situation on the A1 today handled so badly?
Presumably there will be an investigation into why several hours after the accident traffic signs on the A19 to A1 link road were indicating a 40mph speed approaching the A1 when it was actually totally at a standstill?
4- Gwen – Via X – Accounts and Transparency
When and in what way will the accounts inspection process take place?
What transparency and public access arrangements will there be for audit committees?
How can it be acceptable for an update on the grim (& improving) @HMICFRS inspection to @DSkaith particularly, & us, to have zero facts, a verbal report only? I hope now this is all in local government remit we get to evidence not verbal assurances.
Welcome to the new Mayor & CC. With these two forces coming within local government remit now, may I ask if/when a review of democratic governance & transparency will be undertaken to bring these services more into line with local gov standards, including audit.
As an initial proposal may I ask for a forward plan, ALL reports written, as expected in good local govt, incl background papers, never verbal. Eg how can you be scrutinised on your HMICFRS action plan when it isn’t presented?
5- Mack – Harrogate – Pavement Parking
So many cars park on the pavement and prevent a safe walkway for pedestrians. I understand that this is contrary to the Highway Code and probably against the law.
Often there is so little room that wheelchair users and mothers with prams have to brave using the roads. In years gone by we had a PCSO who might have challenged these inconsiderate behaviour, sadly we never see him now.
6- Carl – Ingleton – Police Coverage
It was reported to Ingleton Parish Council that the response times experienced in North Yorkshire didn’t not compare favourably with neighbouring Authorities.
These facts coupled with what appears to be an upsurge in criminal activity in our locality is causing serious concerns amongst the Community that we represent.
At our April meeting we were informed by our local Police representative that the Chief Constable regarded manning levels in the Rural Areas as a priority for action
To ask your question
- Complete our online form
- To ask a question during the live broadcast, post your question on Twitter using #NYscrutiny
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