- A period of up to 15 minutes is made available for questions or statements submitted by members of the public who either live or work within the geographical area covered by the York and North Yorkshire Mayor.
- Questions should be addressed to the Chair of the Online Public Meeting.
- The Online Public Meeting, which takes place once a month, is chaired jointly by the Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime, The Chief Fire Officer and the Chief Constable to monitor progress against the Police and Crime Plan and the Fire and Rescue Plan – the documents that set out the priority areas of action, based on consultation with the public.
- The deadline for submission of questions is two clear working days before the meeting in order that an appropriate answer to the question can be given.
- Questions should be submitted by email to:- [email protected] or written questions can be sent via post to the Office of the Police, Fire, Crime and Commissioning for North Yorkshire and York, Harrogate Police Station, Beckwith Head Rd, Harrogate, HG3 1FR.
- A list questions will be drawn up in order of receipt and copies of all questions and statements will be circulated to all members of the Board.
- Each member of the public asking a question must give his or her name and the town that they live within North Yorkshire. We will publish this information along with the question and response on our website.
- Nobody may submit more than one question or make more than one statement at the same meeting, but a supplementary question may be asked for clarification. There should only be one speaker for each subject.
- If after the expiration of fifteen minutes, for questions remaining unanswered, steps will be taken to forward a written response.
- Questions and statements may be redirected if:-
- Insufficient detail has been provided to enable a proper response to be provided
- It is not about a matter for which the Board has a responsibility
- It is defamatory, frivolous or offensive
- It is substantially the same as a question which has been put at a meeting in the past six months; or
- It requires the disclosure of confidential or exempt information
- A record will be kept of each question and answer on the Office of Police, Fire, Crime and Commissioning website. Rejected questions and statements will include reasons for rejection.
Questions raised on Twitter during the live broadcast
The above procedure applies, however in addition:
- Questions must be relevant to the meeting and the agenda
- Questions posted on Twitter must include #NYscrutiny
- Questions using #NYscrutiny asked in advance of the meeting may not be answered as the e-mail procedure above applies.
- There will be a cut off point at which no more questions will be accepted. This will be announced during the live broadcast.