Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Public accountability meeting – 23 February 2023

12:30pm – 2:00pm – North Yorkshire Police 

  • Rural crime – This presentation aims to update, inform and reassure the public of North Yorkshire about the current challenges and approaches we are taking to make our rural communities a safe place to live.
  • North Yorkshire Police’s Vision – Chief Constable Lisa Winward will outline NYP’s forward vision for the constabulary.

2:30-4:00pm – North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service

  • False alarms – profile, causes and impact of false alarms and the Service’s attendance policy.

Ask your question on this month’s hot topics

The full procedure for asking questions at this meeting is available here: Procedure for public questions

  • To ask a question in advance 
    Send your question to [email protected] before the day of the meeting. Please include your name and address with your question.
  • To ask a question during the meeting using Twitter
    To ask a question during the live broadcast, post your question on Twitter using #NYscrutiny
  • Not all questions may be able to be used, but they will inform the Commissioner’s questioning and the general discussion.

12:30 – 2:00pm – North Yorkshire Police – Rural crime

This presentation aims to update, inform and reassure the public of North Yorkshire about the current challenges and approaches we are taking to make our rural communities a safe place to live.


  • Chair – Zoë Metcalfe, North Yorkshire Police Fire and Crime Commissioner
  • Lisa Winward – NYP Chief Constable
  • Simon Dennis – Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer, OPFCC
  • Jenni Newberry – Assistant Commissioner, OPFCC
  • Elliot Foskett – NYP Assistant Chief Constable
  • Amanda Wilkinson– Director for Public Trust and Confidence, Office of the PFCC
  • Tamara Pattinson – Director for Delivery and Assurance, Office of the PFCC
  • Alex Butterfield -NYP Chief Inspector Specialist Operations

Thematic presentation:

  • Alex Butterfield -NYP Chief Inspector Specialist Operation

Performance update:

  • Elliot Foskett – NYP Assistant Chief Constable


Time Item Lead
1 12:30 Apologies & Minutes of previous meeting Chair
2 12:32 North Yorkshire Police’s Vision – outline NYP’s forward vision for the constabulary. Police
3 12:52 Public questions Chair
4 13:00 Presentation Police
5 13:30 Performance Update Police
6 13:55 Public questions Chair
7 13:55 Any other business All
8 14:00 Meeting ends

Meeting papers

Public questions

  • Mr Cook – Harrogate
    The term “policing priority” is often used by North Yorkshire Police. Please could you explain how policing priority is determined, what the current priorities are, and the input from the Crime Commissioner’s office on that process ?


  • Public concern raised with the Commissioner’s Office
    The Commissioner’s Office has received concerns from residents that North Yorkshire Police has failed to investigate a wildlife crime regarding the poisoning of a Redkite in 2021. Could the commissioner ask North Yorkshire Police if they can provide a public response to this specific incident, thank you.

    • Jo – North Yorkshire volunteer
      Is there a forward NYP strategy for utilising the Rural Watch groups county-wide. I believe they are very involved in locating stolen quad bikes and identifying rogue traders and those looking to steal from isolated farm buildings and yards?

Watch live


Commissioner’s website:

2:30 – 4:00pm – North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service – False alarms


  • Zoë Metcalfe – Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
  • Jonathan Dyson – Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS
  • Mat Walker – Deputy Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS
  • Simon Dennis – Chief Executive Officer, Office of the PFCC
  • Jenni Newberry – Assistant Commissioner, Office of the PFCC
  • Amanda Wilkinson– Director for Public Trust and Confidence, Office of the PFCC
  • Tamara Pattinson – Director for Delivery and Assurance, Office of the PFCC
  • Pete Gregory – Temporary Head of Prevention & Protection, NYFRS
  • Jon Darnton – Temporary Station Manager Business Fire Safety, NYFRS
  • Damian Henderson- Area Manager and Director of Service Improvement & Assurance, NYFRS

Thematic presentation:

  • Pete Gregory – Temporary Head of Prevention & Protection, NYFRS
  • Jon Darnton – Temporary Station Manager Business Fire Safety, NYFRS

Performance update:

  • Damian Henderson- Area Manager and Director of Service Improvement & Assurance, NYFRS


Time Item Lead
1 14:30 Attendance and introductions Chair
2 14:32 Minutes of previous meeting and Actions All
3 14:35 Public questions Chair
4 14:40 Presentation Fire
5 15:20 Performance update Fire
6 15:50 Public questions Chair
7 15:55 Any other business All
8 16:00 Meeting ends

Meeting papers

Public questions

Watch live

  • YouTube:
  • Commissioner’s website: