Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Public accountability meeting – June 2019 – Mental health

This meeting will focus on mental health.

Who is speaking now? Use this photo sheet to help you identify who is talking and what their role is.

Meeting overview

This month’s meeting focuses on:

Fire – Mental health
Police – Mental health

Ask a question

The full procedure for asking questions at this meeting is available here: Procedure for public questions

  • To ask a question in advance 
    Send your question to [email protected] before midday on Friday 21 May, please include your name and address with your question.
  • To ask a question during the meeting using Twitter
    To ask a question during the live broadcast, post your question on Twitter using #NYscrutiny


No. Time Item Purpose Lead
1 13:30 Attendance and apologies To note attendance and apologies: Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner
2 13:32 Minutes of previous meeting & Actions To discuss and agree the draft minutes of the previous meeting held on 28 May 2019 and to discuss the action log. All
3 13:35 Questions from the public To address questions raised by the public in advance in relation to the agenda. Police Fire & Crime Commissioner
4 13:40 NYFRS Thematic: Mental health Joint presentation
4 13:40 NYP Thematic: Mental health Joint presentation
5 15:00 Performance / Outcome Updates
5a Residential burglaries North Yorkshire Police
5b Performance update North Yorkshire police
5c Performance update North Yorkshire Fire and rescue Service
6 15:50 Questions on Twitter To address questions raised by the public in relation to the agenda. All
7 15:55 Any other business All
8 16:00 Date of next meeting 30 July 2019 at 13:30hrs, Alverton Court, NYP HQ

Meeting papers