Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

WATCH: July’s Public Accountability Meeting

Meeting overview

This month’s meeting focuses on:

  • North Yorkshire Police – Domestic abuse – the effect of the Covid19 pandemic
    To explore the effects that lockdown had on domestic abuse. To hear how North Yorkshire Police and partner agencies coped with the increase in demand for domestic abuse services and the strategy that has been put in place to cope with future demand on services.
  • North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service – Training
    To explore the compliance of training, to National Occupational Guidance and National Fire Standards, and to hear about the training facilities available to North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, to ensure that training and facilities are fit for a modern fire service.

Ask your question on this month’s hot topics

The full procedure for asking questions at this meeting is available here: Procedure for public questions

  • To ask a question in advance 
    Send your question to [email protected] before the day of the meeting. Please include your name and address with your question.
  • To ask a question during the meeting using Twitter
    To ask a question during the live broadcast, post your question on Twitter using #NYscrutiny
  • Not all questions may be able to be used, but they will inform the Commissioner’s questioning and the general discussion.


  • Chair – Philip Allott – North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner 
  • Lisa Winward – Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police 
  • Jonathan Foster – NYFRS Deputy Chief Fire Officer 
  • Thomas Thorp – Interim Assistant Chief Executive, OPFCC 
  • Caroline Blackburn – Interim Assistant Chief Executive, OPFCC 
  • Jenni Newberry – Head of Commissioning & Partnerships, OPFCC 
  • Phil Cain – NYP Deputy Chief Constable 
  • Lindsey Butterfield – NYP Assistant Chief Constable 
  • Allan Harder – NYP Detective Superintendent  
  • Stuart Simpson – NYFRS Operational Training Manager 


Thematic presentation:

  • Allan Harder, Detective Superintendent
  • Jenni Newberry, Head of Commissioning and Partnerships

Performance update:

  • Lindsey Butterfield, Assistant Chief Constable


Thematic presentation:

  • Stuart Simpson, Operational Training Manager 

Performance update:

  • Jonathan Foster, Deputy Chief Fire Officer 


No Time Item Lead
1 13:30 Attendance and introductions Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
2 13:32 Actions from previous meeting:

  • Update on Op Chrome
  • 101 call response
3 13:42 Public questions Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
4 + 5 13:50

Domestic Abuse – the effect of Covid 19 Pandemic Presentation


 Impact of COVID-19 on commissioned Domestic Abuse support services Presentation



Commissioning and Partnerships

6 14:35 Performance update Police
7 15:05 Training Presentation Fire
8 15:35 Performance update Fire
9 15:50 Public questions Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
10 15:55 Any other business All
11 16:00 Tuesday 31st August  2021

Meeting papers

Public questions

    • Gwen Swinburn
      Please can you address your use of suspects ethnicity in communications so as not to discriminate in favour of non-white suspects to the detriment of white suspects – please address this through an open review of your communications and equalities policies.


    • Tim Cook
      On 2 May 2020, the PM announced that there would be an additional of £76 million for victims of domestic
      abuse due to lockdowns. How much did North Yorkshire receive, when was the start of the money being
      handed out to end organisations, and when did it complete ?In July 2020 the then PFCC commissioned IDAS to produce a report on the Family Court system and domestic
      (Domestic Abuse The Family Court.pdf ( https://www.northyorkshire Abuse The Family Court.pdf Given the changes in the country
      generally, does that report need to be revisited or a more robust set of actions taken from it ?


    • James Monaghan
      I would like to report the problem of hearing noisy cars and witnessing cars driving through red lights at the
      York Place/Gracious Street junction in Knaresborough. Living in the centre of Knaresborough we hear the
      problem a lot and tend to continue to hear for up to 30 seconds after they’ve driven off!