Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Public accountability meeting – 26 January 2023

The focus of this month’s meetings

12:30-2:00pm – North Yorkshire Police

  • Offender Management –
    Update on how North Yorkshire Police are working with offenders to reduce reoffending or prevent offending in the first place.

2:30pm – 4:00pm – North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service 

  • HMICFRS report
    North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service’s response to the findings of the recent inspection report. This inspection was undertaken by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) in May 2022 and provides an assessment of the Service’s effectiveness, efficiency and how well they look after their people.

Ask your question on this month’s hot topics

The full procedure for asking questions at this meeting is available here: Procedure for public questions

  • To ask a question in advance 
    Send your question to [email protected] before the day of the meeting. Please include your name and address with your question.
  • To ask a question during the meeting using Twitter
    To ask a question during the live broadcast, post your question on Twitter using #NYscrutiny
  • Not all questions may be able to be used, but they will inform the Commissioner’s questioning and the general discussion.

12:30 – 2:00pm – North Yorkshire Police – Offender Management

Update on how North Yorkshire Police are working with offenders to reduce reoffending or prevent offending in the first place.



  • Chair – Zoë Metcalfe, North Yorkshire Police Fire and Crime Commissioner
  • Mabs Hussain – NYP Deputy Chief Constable
  • Simon Dennis – Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer, OPFCC
  • Jenni Newberry – Assistant Commissioner, OPFCC
  • Tamara Pattinson – Director of Delivery and Assurance, OPFCC
  • Elliot Foskett – NYP Assistant Chief Constable
  • Mike Walker – NYP Assistant Chief Constable
  • Heather Whoriskey – NYP Detective Superintendent Safeguarding
  • Sarah Arnott – Interim Director for Public Trust and Confidence, OPFCC
  • John Mackfall – Unison Branch Secretary

Thematic presentation:

Heather Whoriskey – NYP Detective Superintendent Safeguarding

Performance update:

Michael Walker – Interim Assistant Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police


Time Item Lead
1 12:30 Attendance and introductions Chair
2 12:32 Minutes of previous meeting and Actions All
3 12:35 Public questions Chair
4 12:40  Presentation Police
5 13:20 Performance update Police
6 13:50 Public questions Chair
7 13:55 Any other business All
8 14:00 Meeting ends

Meeting papers

Public questions

Mr Cook, Harrogate
1. North Yorkshire Police, between April 2021 to April 2022 received 740 public complaint allegations, recorded against 352 individual officers. Each year there are approximately 8 officer misconduct hearings. Please could the group go some way to explaining why there are the number of complaints versus the few number of hearings, and if NYP or the PFCC have any plans in this area ?
2.Please could we have a brief update on progress following the HMICFRS report on child protection issues ?
3. A previous commissioner asked IDAS to undertake a report on the Family Courts. That report had a number of recommendations, is there any update on progress in this area ?
4. In 2020 there was Roads Policing Review – Call for Evidence by Department for Transport, Home Office and Police Chiefs. Please could I have a progress update on North Yorkshire’s contributions and actions against any recommendations ?

Response to question 4

Just to introduce myself I am Chief Inspector Alex Butterfield. I work in North Yorkshire Police’s Specialist Operations department which has responsibility for road safety and the tactical response to it.

There are 13 recommendations aimed at the Home Office, College of Policing, Commissioner’s and Chief Constables. I will provide an overview to these and the current position below.

The York & North Yorkshire Partnership ‘Safer Roads Strategy’ 2021-26 in place please feel free to have a read (see link below).

NYP Road safety partnership strategy.cdr (

York & North Yorkshire Road Safety Partnership in place with suitable membership, information sharing, terms of reference with active strategic and tactical delivery groups in place. Further to this 2022 the release of the National & the North Yorkshire Police Road Policing STRA’s (Strategic Threat & Risk Assessment) are in place and directing activities and focus.

The North Yorkshire Police & Crime Plan 2022-25 does makes reference to ambition collaboration and problem solving approach to road safety matters.  Further to this the North Yorkshire Police Control Strategy has Road Safety as a sub priority under the priority of ‘Community Harm’.

Operationally road safety intelligence is actioned via RPG supervision 24 hrs a day in order to take early interventions if risk is identified or develop the intelligence in order to provide a coordinated and planned response to negate any threat.  We encourage the public to report any concerns and they can do so through the NYP website.

National and local road safety campaigns are reviewed and compared to previous campaigns, debriefed through monthly tactical meetings and lessons learned embed into future operational planning. The North Yorkshire RPSTRA (Road Policing Strategic Threat & Risk Assessment) then can reflect impact of activities over longer periods to demonstrate and understand effectiveness.

We don’t currently publish information about annual revenue received as a result of the provision of driver offending-related training and how that revenue has been spent, but this is being currently reviewed between the NYP Traffic Bureau and the OPFCC.

We can confirm that we are working in accordance with the guidance set out in the circular Use of speed and red-light cameras for traffic enforcement: guidance on deployment, visibility and signing ( 

North Yorkshire Police has rebranded from Op Spartan to Op Snap (DashCam footage submitted by the public). In 2022 1434 submissions by the public with 531 prosecutions. We have dedicated 1.5 FTE currently and a bid has been submitted for an uplift in resource due to 50%-100% demand increase year on year. We are waiting outcome of this bid.

An evidence based bid for RPG (Road Policing Group) uplift for 10 additional ‘traffic’ officer numbers has been agreed, recruitment completed but 9 officers awaiting posting to their new role. Awaiting update on release date due to other resource pressures in force.

Our MCIT (Major Collision Investigation Team) achieve the national training standards and accreditation or are developing towards it. This department has a good mix of ex Road Policing Officers and ex crime detectives.

Mandatory occupational referral process in place for officer involved in road policing duties include use of TRIM process. Funding secured until 2025 through NYP and the Road Safety Partnership for MCIT and RPG officers to attend Trauma Resilience weekend at the Police Treatment Centre. Fire and Rescue officers will also benefit from this. FLO provision in NYP is sufficient to support needs in road death investigation.

As for confirmed fatal and serious collision numbers for 2022, our dedicated analyst is QA’ing the data so we are unable to provide statistics on that at this moment in time.

I hope this provides sufficient detail to answer your question.

Watch live


Commissioner’s website:

2:30 – 4:00pm – North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service – HMICFRS report

North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service’s response to the findings of the recent inspection report. This inspection was undertaken by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) in May 2022 and provides an assessment of the Service’s effectiveness, efficiency and how well they look after their people.


  • Zoë Metcalfe – Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
  • Jonathan Dyson – Chief Fire Officer, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service
  • Simon Dennis – Chief Executive Officer, Office of the PFCC
  • Jenni Newberry – Assistant Commissioner, Office of the PFCC
  • Tamara Pattinson – Director of Delivery and Assurance, OPFCC
  • Damian Henderson – Director of Service Improvement and Assurance, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service
  • James Manning –  Temporary Area Manager for Industrial Action, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service

Thematic presentation:

  • Jonathan Dyson – Chief Fire Officer, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service
  • Damian Henderson – Director of Service Improvement and Assurance, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service

Performance update:

  • James Manning –  Temporary Area Manager for Industrial Action, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service


Time Item Lead
1 14:30 Attendance and introductions Chair
2 14:32 Minutes of previous meeting and Actions All
3 14:35 Public questions Chair
4 14:40  Presentation Fire
5 15:20 Performance update Fire
6 15:50 Public questions Chair
7 15:55 Any other business All
8 16:00 Meeting ends

Meeting papers

The HMICFRS report along with media release is available on our website: Commissioner Zoë responds to HMICFRS’s latest report on North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service – Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner North Yorkshire (

Public questions


Watch live


Commissioner’s website: