Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

2015 16 March

13:00 Monday 16 March 2015
Conference Room One, Police Headquarters, Newby Wiske, DL7 9HA


  1. Introductions and Apologies
  2. Minutes of the meeting held on 16 December 2014
  3. Matters arising
  4. Confidential discussion during consideration of Items 13 and 14 on the grounds that they will involve, or discussion of it will involve, the likely disclosure of exempt information.
  5. Review of Accounting Policies (report to the Executive Board)
    Joint report of the Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer and Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer and Chief Accountant.
  6. External Audit Reports
    Progress Report
    External Audit – Internal Audit Protocol
    Audit Strategy Memorandum for Commissioner
    Audit Strategy Memorandum for Chief Constable
  7. Internal Audit Reports
    Internal Audit Progress Report (inc Internal Audit Plan)

  8. Progress on Internal Audit Recommendations
    Report of the Commissioner’s Chief Executive Officer

  9. Corporate Performance Report
    Joint report of the Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer and Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer and Chief Accountant
    Corporate Performance & Scrutiny Group Report
  10. Annual Compliance Activity 2015/16
    Report of the Joint Corporate Risk Group

  11. Quarterly Update on AGS areas for development progress
    Report of the Joint Corporate Risk Group

    Quarterly update on progress on key areas of development for The annual governance statement 2013-14

  12. Strategic Risk Summary

    Report of the Joint Corporate Risk Group

  13. Quarterly Strategic Risk Register Report PRIVATE ITEM
    Report of the Joint Corporate Risk Group
  14. Annual Business Continuity Progress Report PRIVATE ITEM
    Report of the Joint Corporate Risk Group
    1. Commissioner’s Decisions
      The following link to the decisions taken by the Commissioner is provided for members’ information:
    2. Commissioner’s and Chief Constable’s items
      An opportunity for the Commissioner and Chief Constable to update members of the Committee on any items relevant to its Terms of Reference, particularly new or increased risks and governance matters.
      To assist members in understanding the context of the Committee’s work and current relevant issues.
    1. Confirmation of date of next meeting:
      • Monday 15 June 2015 commencing at 1pm
      • venue: Conference Room One Police HQ, Newby Wiske
    2. Dates of 2015 meetings:
      • Monday 15 June 2015
      • Monday 21 September 2015
      • Monday 14 December 2015
    3. All meetings to commence at 1pm in Conference Room One, Police Headquarters

  15. Any other urgent business (at the discretion of the Chairman)